Since Dragonflight started on Nov. 28, 2022, the World of Warcraft balancing team has been diligently trying to spruce up the talent trees and neutralize the apparent class disbalance. Thanks to this, we have one of the most balanced expansions in the history of the game. And as a result, many fans are curious about exactly how Blizzard is approaching the class balancing in this expansion.
In an interview with Wowhead on March 14, game director Ion Hazzikostas explained that the balancing team is diligently working on class balancing during the early days of the season. When we approach the mid-to-late-season period, the devs will pump the breaks on balancing because the “season is stabilizing.”
According to Hazzikostas, the goal is to “keep the balance evolving” and classes and specs that currently aren’t seeing much luck in both PvE and PvP can pop off by the end of the season. In a nutshell, Dragonflight will be an expansion marked by Blizzard tuning down large outliers in the early weeks of the season and then spending the end of the season preparing changes for the next patch.
At the moment, Hazzikostas and the WoW team are happy with the direction the class balance is going in and even plan on picking up their pace in the early weeks of upcoming Dragonflight seasons. Class tuning will continue in Patch 10.0.7, but it will happen at a significantly slower rate than it used to when the season first launched on Dec. 13, 2022.
Published: Mar 15, 2023 3:06 PM UTC