While most of World of Warcraft’s rarest mounts can be farmed off of bosses inside of dungeons and raids, some mounts can be farmed in the outdoor world by defeating world bosses. World bosses are special encounters that are stronger than the average rare spawn, and many of them will drop a thematically associated mount that usually has an extremely low drop chance.
World bosses can only be farmed once per week per character on your account. Most world bosses are on a 15-minute spawn timer, so if you head to any of their spawn locations and the bosses aren’t present, be sure to wait a few minutes for your chance to snag them on the respawn. If you’re waiting for a boss with a few other players, keep a keen eye out for the boss’ spawning, as their relatively low HP totals make them a quick target for groups of players. If you don’t tag the boss in time before they go down, you’ll have to wait another 15 minutes.
Most of WoW’s world boss mounts can be farmed on the continent of Pandaria, although others can be tracked down on Draenor and Zandalar. When traveling to take down the associated world bosses of Pandaria in particular, be sure to have a few extra bonus roll tokens (Elder Charms of Good Fortune and Mogu Runes of Fate) in your back pocket to give yourself an extra chance of receiving the mount you want when defeating a boss.
Here’s where you can find the six world bosses who drop farmable mounts in World of Warcraft.
Where to find World Boss mounts in World of Warcraft
Although the Battle for Azeroth expansion had 12 world bosses in total, only one of them drops a mount. Head over to Vol’Dun (coordinates 44, 56) when the world quest to battle Dunegorger Kraulok is active. When you defeat the world boss, there’s a chance that Mollie, one of WoW’s few alpaca mounts, will appear in your inventory. The item needed to add the mount to your collection is called “Slightly Damp Pile of Fur,” and has an eight percent drop chance, according to WoW database Wowhead.
Solar Spirehawk
The only world boss mount from Warlords of Draenor, the Solar Spirehawk, drops off of Rukhmar in the Spires of Arak. Although the boss has an intermittent spawn pattern, Rukhmar can most often be tracked down off the southwestern coast of the Spires, where you’ll find her flying around the area.
Cobalt Primordial Direhorn
The Cobalt Primordial Direhorn drops off of Oondasta on the Isle of Giants. Oondasta can be found all the way off the northern coast of Pandaria in the absolute center of the isle. The flight path to Zouchin Village in the Kun-Lai Summit is the closest flight path on Pandaria’s mainland that can take you to the Isle of Giants.
Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
The Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent is one of the most sought-after world boss mounts in WoW. With an extremely visually appealing shadowy color scheme, the mount easily makes for one of the most unique cloud serpent models added in Mists of Pandaria. The mount itself can be farmed off of the Sha of Anger world boss, who spawns at coordinates 54, 63 in the Kun-Lai Summit.
Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent
Nalak, an electric blue cloud serpent found just outside the Throne of Thunder raid on the Isle of Thunder, drops the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent—a mount that’s a spitting image of the boss itself.
Son of Galleon
One of the only Mushan mounts in the game, the Son of Galleon is an extremely rare drop off of Galleon, who can be found at coordinates 71, 64 in the Valley of the Four Winds.
Published: Jan 15, 2023 9:41 PM UTC