Wordle is a simple yet challenging game that requires players to guess a five-letter word in just six attempts.
The game provides players with hints as they make guesses, with colored letters indicating whether they are present in the correct answer or not. This mechanism is similar to the popular Mastermind game.
The game’s difficulty level is determined by the word that needs to be guessed each day. Common words make the game easier, while rarer ones can be quite challenging.
There are several strategies players can employ to increase their chances of success, depending on their skill level. While beginners can benefit from some tips and tricks, more experienced players may prefer more advanced techniques.
One important tip is to focus on the initial attempts, which can set the tone for the rest of the game. Starting with a word that contains common letters, such as ‘SLATE’ or ‘CARES,’ can be a good strategy. If Hard Mode is not enabled, choosing a word with very different letters can be an effective way to narrow down the possible answers. ‘PHONY’ is a good example of such a word.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words with ‘A’ and ‘U’
Wordle is a fun and engaging game that requires a mix of luck and skill. With some practice and patience, anyone can become a Wordle master. If you are in need of help after discovering that today’s correct answer starts with the letter “S” and also has the letters “A” and “T,” but you don’t know their correct positions, here is a list of valid five-letter words that are sure to include the correct answer.
Five-letter words with ‘A’, ‘T’, and starting with ‘S’ to try on Wordle
- sabot
- saint
- saist
- saith
- salet
- salto
- salts
- salty
- santo
- sants
- satai
- satay
- sated
- satem
- sates
- satin
- satis
- satyr
- sault
- saunt
- saute
- sauts
- sayst
- scant
- scart
- scath
- scats
- scatt
- sceat
- scrat
- scuta
- seats
- septa
- setae
- setal
- shaft
- shakt
- shalt
- shoat
- sitar
- sitka
- skart
- skate
- skats
- skatt
- slant
- slart
- slate
- slats
- slaty
- smalt
- smart
- snath
- softa
- sorta
- spait
- spalt
- spart
- spate
- spats
- speat
- splat
- sprat
- sputa
- squat
- stabs
- stack
- stade
- staff
- stage
- stags
- stagy
- staid
- staig
- stain
- stair
- stake
- stale
- stalk
- stall
- stamp
- stand
- stane
- stang
- stank
- staph
- staps
- stare
- stark
- starn
- starr
- stars
- start
- stash
- state
- stats
- staun
- stave
- staws
- stays
- stead
- steak
- steal
- steam
- stean
- stear
- stela
- stipa
- stoae
- stoai
- stoas
- stoat
- stoma
- strad
- strae
- strag
- strap
- straw
- stray
- stria
- stupa
- surat
- sutra
- sutta
- swapt
- swart
- swath
- swats
- sweat
Published: Mar 3, 2023 8:37 AM UTC