Following the launch of Teamfight Tactics patch 10.15, lead design Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer reviewed what’s hot and what areas need improvement.
Heading into patch 10.15, the goal from the TFT team was to get the meta in a better spot, and so far, the patch seems to be successful in that way. A number of comps are performing well and top four placements at tournaments show diversity.
“We’re seeing a lot of diverse comps and tier lists with 11 to 18 comps on them, which is good,” said Mortdog.
Mortdog said there are still areas of improvement, though, such as Space pirate and Chrono being too weak, while Astro Sniper is pushing on the strong side.
In regards to Space Pirates, despite returning Graves’ stats to what it was prior to him being nerfed, he’s in a “good spot.” Darius, on the other hand, is still underperforming. For him to succeed, the Space Pirate would need a handful of changes that could potentially lead to brokenness. And in the present state of the game, according to Mortdog, it’s unlikely that Darius will become super playable.
Three-star Master Yi and three-star Neeko are likely the best champions in the game at the moment. Master Yi saw a bunch of changes but it hasn’t changed him in six Blademasters too much.
“Two-star Yi needs a buff and three-star could use a nerf, but in the current levers I’m not sure that is possible,” said Mortdog. Neeko, however, seems to be in a good spot with the adjustments made to Protectors.
Plunder Planet has been “uneventful” in that it doesn’t seem to adjust players’ gameplans too much. But it’s a step up from Neekoverse, a Galaxy that had run its course. There’s concern that the Jinx buff in TFT patch 10.15 to her two-star attack speed didn’t really change anything. And the changes to Xerath may not have been the best, since he needs specific items and champions to get Xerath to pop-off.
Heading into patch 10.16, the team is focused on stability for the major tournaments and taking place that will lead up to the Galaxy Championship. A full rundown of every buff and nerf from TFT patch 10.15 in the post-MORTem can be found here. Patch 10.16 is scheduled to release on Aug. 5.
Published: Jul 30, 2020 10:36 PM UTC