Years of speculation have come to an end since Minecraft superstar Dream has finally shown the face behind the mask. Following his official face reveal today, the internet at large is reacting in a plethora of ways.
Perhaps those most excited and with the most to say are Dream’s fans, who have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Some fans are entirely surprised by Dream’s appearance while others felt he looked about what they expected. Regardless, all fans have been sharing a plethora of reactions following the massive reveal.

Related: History made: Millions tune into Dream’s face reveal on YouTube as hype hits fever pitch
One fan shared a video of her little brother, who is also a fan, as he saw Dream for the first time. He then asked if he could go to Florida to see Dream at his house.
Another fan shared a side-by-side comparison of the Dream Team IRL and as their Minecraft skins. The trio only knew each other through Minecraft for many years before finally getting to unite now that GeorgeNotFound has moved to America and Dream has face revealed.
Following Dream’s face reveal, one artist quickly got to work and shared the following extremely lifelike portrait of the Minecraft star.
This fan reacted by building a massive cutout of Dream that took them about six hours following the face reveal.
The following fan shared an edit of the entire process leading up to the Dream Team meetup and Dream’s face reveal.
One fan said they understood “why everyone reacted the way they did” when Dream individually FaceTimed several of his creator friends before his public face reveal and shared photos of Dream besides the creator’s reactions to seeing him for the first time.
A video compiling every instance fans had seen of Dream before the face reveal followed by the face reveal itself was shared by another fan.
One artist shared a new art piece they created following Dream’s face reveal that features him alongside his cat Patches.
Artwork of the Dream Team “together at last” in Florida was quickly shared a short period after Dream’s face reveal video.
A Twitter page dedicated to sharing words and phrases used to describe Dream by other creators agreed that everything said by all of the creators was very true.
One of the Dream Team meetup pictures was recreated by a fan following the face reveal and photos that Dream posted afterward.
Echoing the sentiment voiced by many creators when Dream revealed his face to them, many fans are expressing how “weird” it is to finally be able to connect a voice to a face after so long.
Many artists who are fans of Dream brought back old artwork they had done and were shocked by how accurate it is now that they have seen his face.
Dream previously expressed that the following artwork had some fairly accurate aspects and fans are now sharing it once more and commenting that they see the similarities.
Fans have long jokingly used images of Froy Gutierrez, who is better known simply as Froy, as placeholder images for Dream. Now, fans are sharing their surprised reactions as they see a strong resemblance between the two after previously joking about it for years.
While the majority of people are responding to Dream’s face reveal in a positive manner, there are also many who are sharing hateful responses. Thus, many fans are attempting to defend Dream on social media following his face reveal.
One fan said that the intention behind Dream’s face reveal was “just being able to make irl content with his best friends” and that people shouldn’t be focusing on his appearance.
Another fan shared a tweet urging others to focus on the Dream Team finally being together rather than the hate.
Most fans agree that “nothing can ruin” such a special day for Dream and that he is instead “enjoying the weight taken off his shoulders.”
Following his face reveal, Dream has quite a few big plans for the future, with his first big one being his public debut at TwitchCon San Diego. Thus, fans can expect to see a lot more of the creator now that he has been permanently unmasked.
Published: Oct 2, 2022 11:38 pm