From Gimmighoul to Meltan, Pokémon Go has an odd theme rolling for its next season of content. Season 10: Rising Heroes is now underway, and with it comes some loosely heroic content updates that Niantic will add throughout its runtime.
Whether you want to run around and thwart Team Go Rocket’s evil schemes or simply keep catching some cool Pokémon, this season will enable you to do so with new events, research, and Pokémon. This includes Gimmighoul (Roaming Form) finally being available to capture and Hawlucha making its Pokémon Go debut—though both have special conditions for encountering them.
Related: How to catch Gimmighoul in Pokémon Go
As always, Rising Heroes will follow Pokémon Go’s three-month scheme for seasonal content. So if you want to make the most of everything this season has to offer, here is everything that is included within it, along with a full content schedule that will be updated as Niantic shares more information.
Pokémon Go Season 10: Rising Heroes – All raids, events, and full schedule
Pokémon Go Season 10: Rising Heroes start and end time
Niantic doesn’t usually give out all of the information regarding a season of content right away. Most information is held back for smaller reveals throughout the three-month run-time, with a heaping pile of details dropping at the start of each month to give players some idea of what to look forward to.
For Rising Heroes, Niantic has shared a timeline for most upcoming content that will be featured throughout March, including a list of events, raids, and more. This is not a full list, as more events and reveals will be spaced throughout the month and into April.
Related: All Willow’s Wardrobe Timed Research tasks and rewards in Pokémon Go
Season 10 will run from March 1 to June 1, so expect periodic updates on new and returning content throughout that timeframe.
Pokémon Go Season 10: Rising Heroes: All seasonal bonuses
These are content bonuses that will be live throughout the entire Rising Heroes season, regardless of what event is going on and the additional bonuses that come with them.
- Team Go Rocket will appear at PokéStops more often
- Team Go Rocket-related Stardust rewards have been increased
Pokémon Go Season 10: Rising Heroes: Full event schedule
- Catch Mastery (new)
- March 5
- Festival of Colors
- March 8 to 14
- Regieleki and Regidrago will be available in Elite Raids
- Regileki will be added on March 11
- Regidrago will drop on April 9
- Community Day
- March 18
- An Everyday Hero + Team Go Rocket Takeover (new)
- March 21 to 28
Pokémon Go Season 10: Rising Heroes: Full raid rotation schedule
- Five-star raids
- March 1 to 8: Tornadus (Incarnate Forme)
- March 8 to 21: Ho-Oh
- March 21 to 28: Thundurus (Incarnate Forme)
- March 28 to April 10: Lugia
- Mega Raids
- March 1 to 8: Mega Charizard Y
- March 8 to 21: Mega Medicham
- March 28 to April 10: Mega Alakazam
- Elite Raids
- March 11: Regieleki
- April 9: Regidrago
Pokémon Go Season 10: Rising Heroes: Full Raid Hour schedule
Raid Hours see the featured five-star raid Pokémon appearing in more raids from 6 to 7pm local time every Wednesday. This will be updated each month.
- March 2: Tornadus (Incarnate Forme)
- March 9: Ho-Oh
- March 22: Tornadus (Incarnate Forme)
- March 29: Lugia
Pokémon Go Season 10: Rising Heroes: Full March Spotlight Hour schedule
Spotlight Hours see one featured species of Pokémon spawning more frequently in the wild and include a special bonus when it runs from 6 to 7pm local time every Tuesday. This will be updated each month.
- March 1: Eevee and 2x Candy for transferring Pokémon
- March 8: Rowlett and 2x XP for evolving Pokémon
- March 21: Litten and 2x Stardus for catching Pokémon
- March 28: Popplio and 2x XP for catching Pokémon
Published: Mar 1, 2023 7:20 AM UTC