The second stage of Pokémon UNITE’s 1st Anniversary Celebration is now underway, and with it comes a new set of balance adjustments that add reworks to multiple playable Pokémon, while also bringing new content to the game.
TiMi Studio has specifically added several new mechanics in the version update, including extra effects and visuals for Unite Moves.
Now, each class of Pokémon will have a special effect that activates for a short period once they use their Unite Move. It will vary between Pokémon but generally apply the same effect. Additionally, players will now earn Aeos Energy based on their performance in battle, rather than simply getting a bonus for winning a match.
Another nice addition is the option to battle without using Boost Emblems at all. And, additional custom loadout slots for Boost Emblems can now be unlocked.
On top of all these adjustments, a good portion of the roster has received balance changes, Mew has been added to the game as its next playable Pokémon, and the Theia Sky Ruins map is now live in both Ranked and Standard play.
The UNITE-themed manga, Come On Over to Aeos Island, has also been added to the game’s gallery as a bonus for players to read through. If you want to read through a full breakdown of this patch and everything it has to offer, here are the full version update notes.
Full Pokémon UNITE Version patch notes
- Mew added as playable Pokémon
- Theia Sky Ruins map added to Ranked and Standard modes
- The amount of Aeos energy earned from battles has been adjusted. Instead of earning more energy by winning, you now earn more energy the better you perform in battle.
- New Achievement Missions have been added.
- Difficulty of Achievement Missions for Greedent, Absol, and Zeraora has been lowered.
- New content has been added to the gallery. You can now read the Pokémon UNITE Manga — Come On Over to Aeos Island!
- The option has been added to battle without using Pokémon Boost Emblems (or their effects).
- A feature allowing you to unlock additional custom loadouts has been added.
- The effects gained when combining a certain amount of black Pokémon Boost Emblems have been adjusted.
- Boost Emblem effects on Attack, Sp. Atk, and critical-hit rate have been adjusted.
- Unite Move effects—and their visuals—have been improved. They’ve also been adjusted to include added effects that correlate to the user’s role, as described below.
- Speedster: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a weak shield effect, and its movement speed is greatly increased.
- Defender: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a strong shield effect, and its movement speed is slightly increased.
- Attacker: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a weak shield effect, its movement speed is slightly increased, and either its attack speed is greatly increased or its move cooldowns are reduced.
- All-Rounder: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a weak shield effect, its movement speed is slightly increased, and either its attack speed is greatly increased or its move cooldowns are reduced.
- Supporter: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a weak shield effect, its movement speed is slightly increased, and its move cooldowns are greatly reduced.
- “Specific effects may vary per Pokémon.”
- Battle Pass Updates
- Ranked Match Updates
- Shop Updates
- Event Updates
- Bug Fixes
- Text Fixes
Balance adjustments
Pokémon changes
- Mr. Mime
- Boosted Attack changed to “Becomes a boosted attack whenever a set amount of time passes, dealing increased damage and throwing opposing Pokémon when it hits.”
- Light Screen changed to “Creates a wall of light in the designated area that prevents opposing Pokémon from passing. If an opposing Pokémon is near the location where the wall of light is created, they are shoved and left unable to act for a short time.”
- Barrier changed to “Has the user throw up a sturdy wall in the designated location that prevents opposing Pokémon from passing. If an opposing Pokémon is near the location where the wall is created, they are shoved and left unable to act for a short time.”
- Psychic changed to “Releases a telekinetic blast on opposing Pokémon that are near the user, near any guard-swapped Pokémon, or near any Light Screen or Barrier walls created by the user, damaging all opposing Pokémon hit by the blasts and lowering their Sp. Def for a short time. If an opposing Pokémon is hit by multiple overlapping blasts, that Pokémon is also left unable to act for a short time.”
- Power Swap changed to the following:
- “Creates a link between the user and the Pokémon this move hits. While the link holds, the user’s movement speed increases and its HP is continually restored.”
- “If the linked Pokémon is an ally Pokémon, this move increases the movement speed of that Pokémon, increases the amount of damage it deals, and continually restores its HP.”
- “If the linked Pokémon is an opposing Pokémon, this move decreases that Pokémon’s movement speed, decreases the amount of damage it deals, and deals damage over time to it.”
- “If the user and the linked Pokémon are too far apart, the link will disappear.”
- Cramorant
- Dive cooldown lengthened
- Air Slash cooldown lengthened
- Dragonite
- Dragon Dance cooldown lengthened
- Hyper Beam damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased
- Tsareena
- Stomp cooldown lengthened and damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased
- Blissey
- Boosted Attack bug fixed for activation timing
- Soft-Boiled HP restoration decreased
- Machamp
- Submission cooldown reduced
- Dynamic Punch damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased
- Espeon
- Psybeam cooldown reduced
- Future Sight cooldown reduced
- Stored Power general move upgrade
- Unite Move: Psychic Solare charge rate increased
- Glaceon
- Icy Wind damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased
- Icicle Spear duration of effects on the user decreased and general bug fixes
- Wigglytuff
- Double Slap cooldown reduced and damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased
- Buzzwole
- Leech Life cooldown reduced and damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased
- Smack Down damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased, range increased, and effects on the user strengthened
- Duraludon
- Dragon Tail cooldown lengthened
- Delphox
- Flame Charge cooldown reduced
- Tyranitar
- Dark Pulse damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased
- Ancient Power shield effect and movement speed increase weakened
- Unite Move: Tyrannical Rampage general move downgrade
- Crustle
- Stealth Rock bugs fixed to prevent unintended additional effects occuring
- Lucario
- Power-Up Punch bug fixed that was impacting the moves maximum range
Item changes
- Leftovers
- Effect strengthened
- Assault Vest
- Effect strengthened
- Rocky Helmet
- Effect strengthened
- Float Stone
- Effect strengthened
Published: Sep 2, 2022 7:19 AM UTC