Pokémon Scarlet and Violet players have always felt Geeta, the top-ranked champion in Paldea who also serves as the chairwoman of the Pokémon League and Naranja Academy or Uva Academy depending on the version, had an underwhelming team. Now, after all this time, they’ve created one that would make her a lot more challenging.
In other news, Niantic has introduced two more Pokémon Go debuts in the Spring Into Spring event—Cutiefly and Ribombee, who are the perfect fit given their bee-like appearance.
And on a final note, popular YouTuber Ludwig was having a go at playing Pokémon Emerald while following the Nuzlocke Challenge, but his first run ended almost immediately after a catastrophic blunder in the very first battle.
Fan-made team would make Geeta much harder
For all of her bravado, Geeta is one of the most underwhelming champions in any Pokémon title. Her lackluster team of Espathra, Gogoat, Veluza, Avalugg, Kingambit, and Glimmora, makes her an easy beat in the Champion Assessment and Academy Ace Tournament.
There was a lot of criticism about it early on, but now four months have passed since Scarlet and Violet’s release and fans have taken it upon themselves to theorycraft a better line-up for her. It still consists of Glimmora and Kingambit, but with the addition of Palafin, Cyclizar, Rabsca, and Gholdengo.
It better represents Paldea while also putting up more of a challenge by forcing players to switch Pokémon often to avoid abilities like Stealth Rock and Toxic Debris.
Cutiefly, Ribombee debut in Pokémon Go
Spring is fast approaching, and Pokémon Go players can welcome it by taking part in the aptly named Spring Into Spring event, which includes two exciting new debuts—Cutiefly and Ribombee.
The event kicks off April 4 and runs until April 10. In that time, players will be able to catch Cutiefly in the wild, hatch them from two-kilometer eggs, and of course, evolve them into Ribombee. While they’re the stars, there are plenty of other things on offer too, including new costumed Pokémon, eggs, encounters, bonuses, research tasks, raids, and more.

Ludwig’s Nuzlocke Challenge ends in disaster
Ludwig is no stranger to the Nuzlocke Challenge. He claims to have finished various runs many times before. His latest run in Pokémon Emerald, however, ended in disaster during the first battle against his rival.
He was one hit away from defeating his rival’s Cyndaquil with his Treecko, but then it landed a critical hit out of nowhere, sending both Treecko and Ludwig to the shadow realm. It was the only Pokémon he had, so he blacked out, bringing the run to an abrupt end.
Ludwig started a second run shortly after that lasted about four hours before it was game over again. He’s coming back for a third one tomorrow, and hopefully, for his sanity, it goes a lot better.
Published: Mar 30, 2023 5:46 AM UTC