A new round of Pokémon Go Battle League fights are about to heat up, and the Color Cup Great League will be available for all players to join. You’ll need a niche team to participate, and you’ll want to use the best teams to topple your opponents.
Similar to other competitive cups in the mobile game, the Color Cup has strict rules you’ll have to follow if you want to use a team. You’ll need to find the best combination and anticipate what rosters your opponents might use against you. You won’t be able to prepare for every team, but we can highlight some of the best choices you should use. We’ll share the best teams you can use in the Color Cup Great League, giving you plenty of wins and rewards to redeem in Pokémon Go.
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Best Pokémon teams for the Color Cup Great League in Pokémon Go

For the Color Cup Great League competition, there are only certain Pokémon you can use on your team. All players can only use Pokémon that are at or below 1,500 CP. Anything in your collection stronger than this won’t be able to complete.
In addition, you can only use Pokémon that are Electric, Fire, Grass, or Water type. They can have a secondary type, but they need to have at least one of those four. It’s not the largest restriction you could get for a Pokémon Go competition. Still, it cuts down some of the more unique choices you might have captured.
These are some of the best teams you can create to compete in the Color Cup Great League edition in Pokémon Go.
Alolan Marowak, Jumpluff, and Quagsire

Alolan Marowak will be leading the charge for our first team. As a Fire and Ghost type, it’s a highly flexible choice that can deal a good amount of damage, and is a solid starter option. However, it will be weak to any Water type it faces off against, which is when you want to swap out for Jumpluff, a great Grass and Flying type. As a Grass type, it should resist its Flying-type weakness against Electric-type moves. You want to hold Quagsire off as the final Pokémon to take advantage of its hefty defenses for as long as possible, and you should be able to overwhelm an enemy with it.
- Alolan Marowak: Fire Spin (fast move), Bone Club, and Shadow Bone
- Jumpluff: Fairy Wind (fast move), Energy Ball, and Aerial Ace
- Quagsire: Mud Shot (fast move), Stone Edge, and Aqua Tail
Toxapex, Emolga, and Gastrodon

This next features a consistently favorite Water and Poison-type Pokémon, Toxapex. You can typically find Toxapex as a top-tier choice for any Great League competition, and Pokémon Go‘s Color Cup is no exception. It’ll be a great starting Pokémon, but if you run into trouble, swapping out Emolga is a great choice, with Emolga’s consistent damage and Charged Moves that can knock out a competitor. For your closer Pokémon, we recommend going with Grastrodon, another solid Water and Ground-type Pokémon, only weak to Grass-type attacks.
- Toxapex: Poison Jab (fast move), Brine, and Sludge Wave
- Emolga: Thunder Shock (fast move), Acrobatics, and Discharge
- Gastrodon: Mud Slap (fast move), Body Slam, Earth Power
Abomasnow, Qwilfish, and Turtonator

On this next team, we will shift gears with the Grass and Ice-type heavy hitter, Abomasnow. Capable of unleashing consistent damage with its fast move, Abomasnow is a solid starting Pokémon, but be ready to switch it out when fighting any Fire-type Pokémon and bring in Qwilfish. Although Qwilfish’s best attack is not a Water-type move, it’s still a great option, and expect to use its charged move, Aqua Tail, pretty fast. For this team, keep Turtonator in reserve. Turtonator is unique because it is a Dragon and Fire-type Pokémon, making it resistant to several Pokémon attacks in the Color Cup.
- Abomasnow: Powder Snow (fast move), Icy Wind, and Energy Ball
- Qwilfish: Poison Sting (fast move), Aqua Tail, and Ice Beam
- Turtonator: Incinerate (fast move), Dragon Pulse, and Overheat
Charjabug, Stunfisk, and Amoonguss

There are multiple favorites that are going to appear in the Color Cup, and this next team shows off another with Charjabug, a Bug and Electric-type. This Pokémon has been consistent throughout the Great League, and this competition is a good team to create a team with it as the frontline option. You’ll want to have the standard Stunfisk as a choice and Amoonguss as the final option. If you have a Stunfisk with high defense, you might want to try using it as the closer Pokémon, and then you can utilize Amoonguss’ attacks to wear down an opponent pretty fast.
- Charjabug: Volt Switch (fast move), X-Scissor, and Discharge
- Stunfisk: Thunder Shock (fast move), Mud Bomb, and Discharge
- Amoonguss: Astonish (fast move), Grass Knot, and Sludge Bomb
Feraligatr, Talonflame, and Ferrothorn

The final team you might want to try in the Color Cup features Feraligatr, who has seen far more use with the addition of Shadow Claw as its fast move. It might not be the best for this competition, but you can make up for it with the use of Talonflame, a powerful Fire-type Pokémon that has several Flying-type charged moves it can use. For your last Pokémon, we’d recommend using Ferrothorn, who won’t be easy to defeat as a Steel type. However, it is extremely weak against Fire-type moves, and could prove problematic.
- Feraligatr: Shadow Claw (fast move), Ice Beam, and Hydro Cannon
- Ferrothorn: Bullet Seed (fast move), Power Whip, and Flash Cannon
- Talonflame: Incinerate (fast move), Fly, and Brave Bird
Published: Jan 7, 2025 03:00 pm