From Galar back to Kalos, the next seven-star Tera Raid event in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet will feature the Grass/Fighting-type tank, Chesnaut.
This event will run from May 18 to 21, making this event the first time Chesnaught is available in Scarlet and Violet—along with its first appearance in a main series game since the Nintendo 3DS. Players will just need to defeat the Unrivaled raid boss in order to catch it first, which is a challenge in itself.
How to beat the Unrivaled Chesnaught Tera Raid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
As with each seven-star Tera Raid before it, the Unrivaled Chesnaut boss is designed in a way that will make it difficult to defeat for unprepared players who have unlocked them in Scarlet and Violet’s post-game.
The challenge in these raids is that the boss Pokémon are set to level 100, gain additional boosts through Tera Raid mechanics, and have movesets that usually cover some of its core weaknesses while also giving clear direction for a strategy.
In this case, Chesnaught will have a Rock Tera Type, negating its weaknesses to Fire and Flying-type moves. We also know it will have the ability Bulletproof, which cancels out certain projectile moves such as Aura Sphere and Seed Bomb.
Even though this Chesnaught is a Rock-type, you will not want to forget it is normally a Grass/Fighting-type. That is because it will have moves that still benefit its original typings and can deal massive damage to things like Water or Ice-types you might think to bring against it.
Related: Easiest way to beat Unrivaled Chesnaught Tera Raids in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
With those details in mind, here are Pokémon you can use to counter Unrivaled Chesnaught as you team up with other trainers or tackle the challenge on your own.
Best counters for the Unrivaled Chesnaught Tera Raid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Best Annihilape build for the Unrivaled Chesnaught Tera Raid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
If you ever need to just throw a Pokémon out in a Tera Raid to deal as much damage as possible with no care for what happens in between hits, Annihilape is almost always going to be your best bet.
The tried-and-true Rage Fist/Drain Punch build that has become a staple of the last several seven-star events should work to great effect against a Rock Tera Type Chesnaught. You will just need to look out for Spiky Shield ruining your day, though it also helps that Annihilape is also immune to Fighting-type moves and resists Rock-type attacks too.
Ability | EVs | Held Item | Moves | Nature | Tera Type |
Defiant | 252 HP 252 Attack 4 Defense | Life Orb Shell Bell | Rage Fist Drain Punch Bulk Up Screech | Adamant (+ Attack, – Special Attack) | Fighting |
Best Appletun build for the Unrivaled Chesnaught Tera Raid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Appletun doesn’t really care about any of the options Chesnaught will have in its arsenal, and it has plenty of moves in its own that will counter this raid perfectly.
Apple Acid will hit for super effective damage and lower the boss’ Special Defense when hit, which will open it up to take more damage from your allies too. Pair this with Helping Hand, Reflect, and something like Grassy Terrain and you have plenty of ways to support your team until they get the win.
Ability | EVs | Held Item | Moves | Nature | Tera Type |
Ripen | 252 HP 252 Defense 4 Special Attack | Sitrus Berry | Apple Acid Helping Hand Reflect | Modest (+ Special Attack, – Attack) | Grass |
Best Iron Leaves build for the Unrivaled Chesnaught Tera Raid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Finally, a use for the much less popular of the newest Paradox Pokémon pair—Iron Leaves.
With its Grass/Psychic typing, Iron Leaves resists both Grass and Fighting-type moves and doesn’t mind a Rock-type hit either. This should let you set up Electric Terrain and at least one Swords Dance before bashing away with Leaf Blade.
You could also sub in Solar Blade for more damage if you want to set up the sun or have players to battle with who will do it for you to save some turns.
Ability | EVs | Held Item | Moves | Nature | Tera Type |
Quark Drive | 252 HP 252 Attack 4 Defense | Electric Seed Sitrus Berry | Leaf Blade Swords Dance Electric Terrain Taunt or Solar Blade | Adamant (+ Attack, – Special Attack) | Grass |
Best Gholdengo build for the Unrivaled Chesnaught Tera Raid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Gholdengo is more of a VGC Pokémon, but its typing makes it a great choice for this specific Tera Raid event thanks to its immunity for Fighting-type moves along with no fear of the other attacks Chesnaught can throw out. It is also a Special Attacker, which is key for this raid.
With this build, you just need to set up a single Nasty Plot or Metal Sound and start beating away at Chesnaught’s defense with Flash Cannon. Steel Beam is a fine move to carry as an option if you want to toss out more powerful hits at the risk of your own HP, but Flash Cannon should get the job done.
Ability | EVs | Held Item | Moves | Nature | Tera Type |
Good as Gold | 252 HP 252 Special Attack 4 Defense | Shell Bell Leftovers | Flash Cannon Nasty Plot Metal Sound | Modest (+ Special Attack, – Attack) | Steel |
Best Breloom build for the Unrivaled Chesnaught Tera Raid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Time to five Breloom some Tera Raid love in what is probably the perfect raid for its skill set.
Whether you go with Technician or Poison Heal, Breloom has high survivability with Drain Punch and can Paralyze Chesnaught using Force Palm. Just getting up a Swords Dance should be enough to put you in a great position—with the only downside being that you are a physical attacker.
Ability | EVs | Held Item | Moves | Nature | Tera Type |
Technician Poison Heal | 252 HP 252 Attack 4 Defense | Shell Bell | Swords Dance Drain Punch Force Palm | Adamant (+ Attack, – Special Attack) | Fighting |
Best Azumarill build for the Unrivaled Chesnaught Tera Raid in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Sometimes you don’t need to change much to finish the job.
If you have done any Tera Raid events before, you have probably seen at least a dozen Belly Drum Azumarill sets. But this one eliminates all need to worry about Chesnaught’s heaviest-hitting moves and can deal the damage you need to break through its physical defenses.
Just don’t forget to swap out Huge Power for Sap Sipper, or you might cost your teammates the entire raid.
Ability | EVs | Held Item | Moves | Nature | Tera Type |
Sap Sipper | 252 HP 252 Attack 4 Defense | Shell Bell | Belly Drum Chilling Water or Liquidation | Adamant (+ Attack, – Special Attack) | Water |
Published: May 19, 2023 1:06 AM UTC