Blizzard Entertainment unveiled a new skin for Symmetra yesterday. For a limited time, Overwatch players can earn the skin by completing “Symmetra’s Restoration Challenge” before the end of the month.
The Marammat skin might only be an Epic quality cosmetic, but you won’t be able to get this outfit with tokens.
The new yellow and gold skin comes straight out of the new Overwatch short story “Stone by Stone,” which came out yesterday.
In the story, Symmetra meets everyone’s favorite omnic support hero Zenyatta who helps give her a better understanding of Overwatch’s robotic race. While with Zenyatta, Symmetra wears a “gold and rust” robe as a way to show respect to an omnic temple that she is helping to care for.
The new Epic skin will let players fully embrace Symmetra’s new story by playing in the rustic golden garb.
Despite being called the “Restoration Challenge” this two-week-long event isn’t any different than most of Overwatch’s challenges.
All you need to do to get your own Epic Symmetra Marammat skin is win nine games in quick play, Arcade, or competitive before the end of the month.
As players accumulate wins, they will also receive benchmark rewards after three and six wins. With three wins, you will get a new player icon, and after six, you’ll have a new spray.
The challenge only lasts from now until Nov. 30 so you might want to get your new skin before time runs out. As of now, there are no ways for players to earn challenge skins like this one once the limited-time event is over.
Published: Nov 17, 2020 9:45 PM UTC