Heroes of the Storm’s coolest skin is now available in the live game.
Blizzard set its D.Va the Destroyer skin live on Oct. 3 alongside new spell effects, sounds, and animations. The legendary skin adjusts some of D.Va’s emotes and lets her shoot lava. The Deathwing the Destroyer–inspired skin is available in the shop, as well as in loot chests.
Related: Overwatch’s Halloween Terror event will begin next week
The D.Va the Destroyer bundle includes D.Va herself, as well as the D.Va the Destroyer skin, D.Va the Destroyerlisk skin, and D.Va the Life-Binder skin. The last two skins are iterations of the original D.Va the Destroyer skin.
With Overwatch’s Halloween Terror event launching next week, there’s no better time for Blizzard to add the Heroes skin to Overwatch. Sure, the vampire hunter McCree skin and vampire Reaper skin displayed in the Halloween Terror teaser video are cool, but lava-spewing D.Va? It’d be the greatest Overwatch skin of all time.
Please, Blizzard?
Published: Oct 4, 2017 1:51 PM UTC