For the past couple of weeks, Riot Games has been under fire for their approach to League of Legends balancing—and it seems the criticism isn’t stopping anytime soon. On Aug. 22, Immortals support Erik “Treatz” Wessén called out Riot for item balancing and asked to take a second look at support items.
Seeing how pretty much the entirety of the League community is abusing Evenshroud before it gets smacked with a nerf in Patch 13.17, Treatz tweeted how Riot should buff or just change underused items instead of simply nerfing the strongest options you have today.
Treatz then caught up in a discussion with Molecule, a League analyst for GAMesportsVN, concluding that Evenshroud is beyond broken and is definitely in line for heavy nerfs. In addition to this, the two players agreed that the support role is all about itemization.
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The direction in which Treatz and Molecule would like to see the support role move to is to truly be a support and have better item diversity.
“Support is the worst item abuser class in the game and it always ends up that every time an item is ‘STRONG’ on support it becomes omega op on other roles (see Moonstone toplaners, Shurelias, Evenshroud now, Locket, etc),” explained Treatz.
It’s high time Riot stepped back from their now classic approach to balancing where we only see items’ and champions’ numbers either go up or down with every patch. The game, if you ask me, is more and more starting to look like “one-shotting fiesta” and it only matters who has better mechanics.
Supports, just like all other champions in the game, have strong damage output and items that even the top laners want. League right now is on the verge of losing its entire identity as a strategic game and preseason 14 is a great opportunity to reevaluate the game.
Published: Aug 22, 2023 2:01 PM UTC