One day after the Cloud9 Academy roster with legends Zach “Sneaky” Scuderi, Nicolaj Jensen, and Andy “Smoothie” Ta lost to CLG Academy, their new starting roster filled with ex-Academy players lost their debut game in the NA LCS Summer Split to Clutch Gaming.
The LCS world was shocked earlier this week when C9 announced that their iconic starting roster was being mostly replaced with Academy players Greyson “Goldenglue” Gilmer, Yuri “Keith” Jew, and Tristan “Zeyzal” Stidam. Well, those new players lost today, and the C9 Academy team lost yesterday despite having three LCS legends.
In other words, there’s no hope for C9, and therefore no hope for North America at Worlds. Time to pack it up, lads.
Obviously, that’s a massive exaggeration, and we want to be sure to make that clear. Unfortunately, that probably won’t stop fans from tearing the new roster apart on social media.
It’s true that the largely-inexperienced new roster failed to pick up their first win, but it was anything but convincing for Clutch Gaming, who are considered a top-four team in the league after their impressive Spring Split.
C9 scrapped together a lead during the mid-game, and Goldenglue was actually putting on a very strong showing against Clutch mid laner Fabian “Febiven” Diepstraten. Despite Goldenglue’s rather rocky past in the LCS and Febiven being considered one of the best mid laners in the league, Goldenglue had him on the rocks for the majority of the laning phase.
In the end, though, the team’s inexperience started to show, and they made silly mistakes and opened Clutch up to secure key objectives and ultimately win the game. All in all, it wasn’t too bad, and they still, at the very least, looked like an LCS-caliber team, even if a lower-tier one. C9’s next game is tomorrow at 7pm CT against OpTic Gaming.
Published: Jun 16, 2018 11:19 PM UTC