One of the longest-standing players in professional League of Legends history is stepping back this year to demonstrate his talent through full-time streaming.
Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pederson—former jungler for teams like Fnatic, Team Liquid, and CLG—announced on his Twitch stream today that he will not be participating in pro play in 2022. Instead, he said his current endeavor is to climb the League ranked ladder through streaming from his home in Denmark.
In a detailed message posted on Twitter, Broxah revealed he had options for continuing his professional career in both the LCS and LEC this year, but decided against doing so after feeling “worn out and underwhelmed” by the available choices. While he believes his endeavors in professional play have not yet concluded, he hopes this break to focus on himself and what he brings to his teams will rekindle his passion on a new roster.
Between both the LCS and LEC, Broxah has amassed a large following due to his continued success in both regions. As Fnatic’s jungler, Broxah helped bring the team numerous victories across splits, even bringing the team to Worlds in 2019. As Liquid’s jungler in 2020, Broxah embraced the coveted first-place spot in the Summer Split, ending third at the Summer Playoffs and qualifying for Worlds. Last year Broxah played for CLG, where he struggled to replicate that same success he has consistently found throughout his career.
Despite the circumstances, Broxah believes this time away from the main stage will enable him to grow further as a player, hoping his fans will continue to support him in this new endeavor. “For the time being I’m excited to bring on this challenge and will do my best to make it count,” Broxah said.
Published: Jan 7, 2022 5:22 PM UTC