Eula is a five-star Cryo character in Genshin Impact who wields the Claymore. The captain of the Reconnaissance Company from Mondstadt was released in May 2018, and only reappeared once in a banner since then, on July 4.
She’s clearly a main DPS, with strong Physical damage that will be strong in many different team compositions. She’s similar to free-to-play character Kaeya, but offers many other strengths, too.
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She can deal strong Elemental damage using her Elemental Burst, Glacial Illumination, which creates a sword of Ice that follows her around and can get increased resistance to interruption as well as Defense to help her survive on the field.
The best Eula team in Genshin Impact
Cryo characters are usually paired best with a few elements they synergize with, such as Electro for the Superconduct reaction or Fire for Melting.
But some players also like to run perma-freeze teams using reactions with Hydro to prevent enemies from doing pretty much anything during the fight. It’s not always the one with the highest damage output, but it’s rewarding to get that much crowd control.
Whatever strategy you choose, you’ll want to build Eula as a Main DPS, which means you’ll be able to complete her team with a sub-DPS, a support, and a flex role.
How to create a good team comp for Eula

You’ll want a balanced team built around Eula. Since she’s a five-star and can dish significant damage, she’ll likely be the focal point in your team composition when you switch her in.
As a sub DPS, you’ll want to choose a character who can deal significant damage in-between slow times of Eula’s rotation. It’s a rather flexible role since it depends on the best Element to pair with her and on whose DPS from those you’ve built up enough to deal significant damage.
The support role is often the less flexible one in Genshin Impact, and Eula’s team falls into that category. You’ll want a healer or a shield provider to help your main DPS survive long enough in the fight to deal damage, as she has no way to regenerate herself.
The last member of the team is flexible. It can be a tank or, more generally, a support that will complement the other one. Usually, you’ll take one main healer and one shield potential, or even two healers, depending on which options you have.
The five best Eula team compositions in Genshin Impact

Cryo isn’t the most flexible Element in Genshin. It doesn’t synergize well with every alternative, and you should especially avoid Dendro. On the other side, it’s pretty strong with Pyro and Electro. Eula works particularly well with the latter.
Since she deals Physical damage, you’ll want to maximize every attack she does rather than empowering her special abilities, which is best done by adding some Electro damage and an Elemental reaction to the equation. That’s why our best team compositions mainly revolve around Electro with Cryo damage. Before listing those, here are the characters Eula is best paired with in Genshin.
- Five-star Electro Polearm character Raiden Shogun
- Four-star Electro Archer Fischl
- Four-star Electro Catalyst character Lisa
- Four-star Cryo Polearm character Mika
- Four-star Cryo Polearm character Rosaria
- Four-star Cryo Archer Diona
- Four-star Pyro Sword character Bennett
1) Eula, Raiden, Mika, Diona
This is a rather standard team for Eula. You’ll get incredible damage if you pair her with Raiden, who’s considered the best Electro DPS in Genshin at the time of writing.
Then, you’ll get as strong sustainability by adding Mika as the team’s main healer. The Mondstadt ranger is the best healer to pair with Eula thanks to his Cryo element. The last character, Diona, is the most flexible choice.
She’s a strong shield provider and offers more Cryo potential. If you think you don’t need another support, however, you can also choose an Electro sub-DPS to be more aggressive, too, such as Fischl or Kujou Sara.
2) Eula, Fischl, Rosaria, Mika
Fischl can also be the traditional sub-DPS of the team and provide damage when you’ve completed Eula’s main rotation. Rosaria can also serve as a third strong damage option.
She has an Ultimate that generates a large Cryo field to apply more elemental reactions and can boost Eula’s Crit Rate. If you don’t have her, you can also try something out with Kaeya instead, who provides strong Elemental Reactions with his Ultimate.
Mika will, once again, provide strong heal to the whole team, as well as more Superconduct reactions to the team.
3) Eula, Raiden, Bennett, Mika
If you want to have fun with some Melt reactions by switching in a Pyro character, you can add Bennett as a strong healer for the whole team. It’s especially strong if you haven’t been able to gear up Mika to allow him to heal your whole team.
Bennett is considered the best four-star healer in the game, and even competes with some five-star ones, so he can also replace Mika in most of the other team compositions revolving around Eula. But they can also be played together.
4) Eula, Kaeya, Barbara, Rosaria
This is a suggestion for a permafreeze team if it’s the style you’re willing to choose. The usual rule is to get three Cryo characters and one strong Hydro applier to get enemies into a permanent freezing state.
That Hydro character can be Barbara, who all players can get for free, or another such as Mona, Yelan, Kokomi, or other characters with strong Hydro apply potential.
5) Eula, Raiden, Bennett, Kokomi
In this team, you’ll get a bit more versatility due to having four different elements in your arsenal. This can be a lot of fun to play, even if it is a rather unconventional as a team composition for Eula, if you’ve geared your characters accordingly.
Raiden will apply strong Superconduct reactions with Eula’s Elemental damage, while Bennett will provide significant heal alongside Kokomi. You can replace Kokomi with another Hydro character with a more aggressive playstyle if you think Bennett will provide enough heal to the team by himself, such as Mona or Kamisato Ayato.
Published: Jul 4, 2023 2:46 PM UTC