RimWorld will have you working on defense, perhaps so much more than your progress in completing the game. This is because of the myriad of enemies that will attempt to take control of your ship, or simply raid your base for resources.
For this reason, you’ll need the best way to defend your base—something called a killbox. In this guide, we’ll discuss what a killbox is, and how you can build the best killbox in the game.
What’s a killbox?

As the name implies, a killbox is a boxed, or walled-off, trapped passageway designed to corral raiders and expose them to attacks from your colonists so they can be killed, or at least slowed down, before reaching your base. While killboxes aren’t the be-all and end-all of defenses in RimWorld, good killboxes allow your colonists to dispatch enemies with ease.
How to make killboxes in RimWorld

To build a killbox, first, you’ll need to have materials used to build walls, barricades, and sandbags. You can start out with weaker materials but aim to have the strongest materials like Hyperweave, Granite Blocks, and Plasteel, later in the game. Then, consider how many colonists you can station for defense at the killbox. The more colonists you have, the wider your killbox can be.
Lastly, think about the weapons to equip your colonists with. The effective range of these weapons will determine the depth of your killbox. This is because there’s no point in building a deeper killbox if your colonists’ weapons won’t hit raiders from afar. Give them two long-ranged weapons for every short-ranged weapon.
Building your killbox
Ready to build? You’ll need to work on the three main parts of a killbox:
- Bunker – a walled structure providing your colonists cover, protecting from them potential return fire.
- Entry Labyrinth or funnel – a maze-like corridor designed to funnel raiders to the Killing Field slowly and steadily.
- Killing Field – a bare plot of land devoid of any covering. This is where the slaughter happens, as your colonists shoot at raiders from relative safety.
Raiders attempting to raid your base for whatever reason enter the killbox through the Labyrinth, arrive at the Killing Fields one at a time, then end up as target practice for your colonists stationed at the Bunker.
Build your Labyrinth using walls and sandbags made of the strongest materials you have at hand. Build these at common entry points leading to your base. Place sandbags at strategic points so your colonists can shoot passing raiders.
Make the Labyrinth with at least two bends, the last of which should have a small opening at the end leading to the Killing Field. You can have more bends depending on your materials and the effective range of your colonists’ weapons.
As for your Bunker, it should be constructed using walls and sandbags alternatively. Put one sandbag for every two walls you build, as this will allow you to position colonists so they can shoot raiders from relative safety.
How to make effective killbox designs in RimWorld

If you master the instructions above, you can make basic killboxes for every colony you have in the game. You can make them more effective by doing the following:
- The Bunker should often be in a semi-circle shape instead of a straight one. This allows for wider firing coverage and enhanced defense.
- Place auto-turrets in your killbox to make it more effective. Placing them behind walls can help protect them from return fire. Think of strategies used in tower defense games, if you’re familiar with them.
- Place sandbags in the labyrinth to slow raiders down by a bit, so they won’t enter the Killing Field quickly. This will give your colonists and turrets if any, more time to shoot them down.
- Place Spike traps inside the Labyrinth so raiders will be damaged well before they step into the Killing Field. Wooden spike traps can kill weaker animals and damage stronger raiders. Stone and Metal spike traps can pretty much stop anything that survives Wooden spike traps.
- Station colonists armed with EMP grenades near the Labyrinth so they can disable mechanoids or raiders using shield-belts.
- You can place granite doors at strategic places in your Labyrinth so raiders can be fooled to attempt to break in, only to give up because it won’t get destroyed easily. Make sure to place your colonists in the space outside the door in the event that it does break.
- Station colonists inside the Killing Field so they can shoot before raiders leave the Labyrinth. Make sure to leave some room for them to run away if needed.
Best RimWorld killbox designs
Here are some of the best killbox designs you can try in RimWorld. Some of them are simple and easy to do, but they’re effective at different stages in the game.
Easy Killbox
Tazastical’s easy killbox only has two bends, but it allows colonists to shoot raiders easily before they can enter the Killing Field. There’s a door at the top to fool raiders into thinking they can enter easily, but because it’s made of granite they will be forced to look for an easier path.
No-labyrinth Killbox
This killbox by sergio pang, although it doesn’t have a maze-like entry labyrinth, has an effective killing field thanks to its small size. Plus, the abundance of grenades being thrown into the area where raiders gather. This will require your active involvement whenever raids occur, but it’s pretty effective without having to spend a lot of space on labyrinths.
The Square Hole
Venom Steak created a simple killbox he calls the Square Hole, and it’s basically that: a square-shaped killbox with traps placed at the entry path, some walls to scatter those who survive traps, and a killing field where colonists with ranged weapons, EMP grenades, and other weapons can slay all kinds of enemies, including mechanoids. It’s pretty simple, but it’s very effective.
Melee Killbox
This simple melee killbox by Windflier doesn’t have bells and whistles but is very effective against raiders because of how it’s designed: The entire perimeter is made using walls, forcing raiders to enter through a very narrow path one by one. At the end of the path is a group of melee weapon-wielding colonists ready to strike any who dare enter.
Long Labyrinth
This type of killbox has a long labyrinth with lots of sandbags to slow down raiders. At the end of Dave Ferrari’s creation is a very small opening leading to a field where tourists and a group of colonists armed with guns are waiting to shoot. There’s a door somewhere near the top, but outside is a small space where armed colonists can position themselves for the killing. This combines all of the aspects of a good and effective killbox.
Keep in mind that RimWorld killboxes don’t have to be impenetrable at the start. What matters is they help protect your base from raids.
Published: Feb 9, 2023 06:15 am