Popular streamers performed much better in the week four Duos qualifiers for the Fortnite World Cup than they did in the week three Solo competition. Several of them have now come close to qualification after failing miserably the week before when big names like Tyler “Ninja” Blevins and Team Liquid’s Jake “POACH” Brumleve didn’t even reach the to top 1,000.
Ninja and his duo Malachi “Reverse2k” Greiner seemed really close to qualifying for the World Cup Finals before the last few matches, but they failed in the end. They scored a whopping 75 points and came in 14th place, but that was still 10 points away from qualification in North America East. Team Liquid duo POACH and Ryan “Chap” Chaplo also scored 75 points but placed 12th due to the tie-breaking criteria.
Related: All players qualified for the Fortnite World Cup Finals
Turner “Tfue” Tenney and Dennis “Cloak” Lepore had the best performance among top Fortnite streamers. They scored 82 points to come in sixth, three points away from qualification. They found a good balance between aggression and survival during their matches, scoring 40 points due to eliminations and 42 due to placements. Tfue was just three points away from qualification, which would put him among the few players who are qualified for both the Solo and Duos Finals.
Nick “NICKMERCS” Kolcheff’s performance wasn’t as good as it was in previous weeks. He and his duo NioRooch scored 62 points and placed 60th, but they needed 90 points to qualify in North America West. Ali “SypherPK” Hassan, who’s also played in NA-W, placed 97th with his duo with 57 points.
Fortnite streamers playing in North America East are getting closer to qualifying every week. But so far, only Tfue has a spot in the World Cup Solo Finals. Week four was one of the best shots all these players had to use their gameplay knowledge since season eight is ending and they’ve been familiarized with the meta for several weeks already. When week five qualifiers start this weekend, we’ll be in season nine and a lot can change in terms of the best strategies, ideal looting spots due to map changes, and even what the optimal loadout is due to weapons being buffed or nerfed.
Even though these streamers have started getting better placements, the week five Solo competition will likely be chaotic and bring unpredictable results due to the season change. Players will have to adapt quickly to whatever changes come if they want to make their way to the top.
The Fortnite World Cup Finals will take place in season nine from July 26 to 28.
Published: May 6, 2019 11:26 AM UTC