By now, Fortnite: Battle Royale season nine Battle Pass owners are used to searching for Fortbytes.
A new collectible item has spawned every day since the start of the season. Players need to find these Fortbytes in order to unlock the end-of-season Utopia skin reward.
There are 100 Fortbytes in total, and while some can be unlocked by gradually playing the game and getting EXP, some (like today’s) require players to go that extra mile to add it to their collection.

Today, Epic Games wants players to go out there and find the Fortbyte that’s “accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass.” So, of course, you’ll first want to equip the Rox Spray to your emote wheel. This spray can be unlocked by reaching tier eight of the premium Battle Pass.

It’s then a simple case of heading toward Neo Titled and landing in the little underground area. From there, walk up to the Fortbyte and use the Rox Spray on a nearby wall to unlock it.
All you need to do after that is walk up to the item and interact with it like all the other Fortbytes to add it to your growing collection.
Published: May 19, 2019 1:09 PM UTC