In August 2022, Dragon Ball made its first appearance in Fortnite and after the event came to an end, players were left with holes in their hearts. But not anymore as the Fortnite x Dragon Ball collaboration is returning to the game.
In the v23.30 update, Son Gohan and Piccolo are making their debut in Fortnite and favorite features the Kamehameha and Nimbus Cloud are returning.
Aside from new and returning Dragon Ball skins and cosmetics, Epic Games is treating us with five new Reality Augments in the battle royale mode.
Here’s the complete list of features and changes coming to the game with the v23.30 update.
Dragon Ball takes over the island once again
Starting with the v23.30 update, you can pay a visit to Goku’s House, Kami’s Palace, the Room of Spirit & Time, and Beerus’ Planet! These iconic sites were created by the creator team Vysena Studios. If you’re brave and confident enough, you can head to the open PvP battle arena, Tenkaichi Budokai.
Just like last time, you’ll find the Kamehameha and Nimbus Cloud (Kintoun) items scattered across the island or even falling from the sky in capsules. Remember, the capsules will fall more frequently from the sky as the storm closes in.
Dragon Ball Adventure Island returns
From Jan. 31 at 8am CT, you can complete Dragon Ball weekly quest and unlock the Orange Piccolo Spray. When Feb. 7 hits, you can complete one more Dragon Ball-themed weekly quest to get your own Gohan Beast Spray.
If you looking to visit Dragon Ball Adventure Island, you can access it from the Discover screen or by entering the island code 5642-8525-5429.
Be one of Dragon Team members with Son Gohan and Piccolo skins
From Jan. 31, you’ll be able to pick up Son Gohan and Piccolo outfits from the shop. But that’s not all as each outfit will come with additional accessories. The bundles will include:
Son Gohan bundle
- Son Gohan outfit
- Gohan’s Charging Up Emote
- Gohan’s Cape Back Bling
- Gohan’s Beast Axe Pickaxe
- Capsule No. 576 Glider
Piccolo bundle
- Piccolo outfit
- Piccolo’s Cape and Turban Back Bling
- Piccolo’s Demon Symbol Back Bling
- Piccolo’s Handheld House Pickaxe
- Red Ribbon Army Aircraft Glider
No matter if you buy the Son Gohan bundle or Piccolo bundle, you’ll get Gohan & Piccolo loading screen.
Don’t spend all of your V-Bucks all at once as other Dragon Ball items will return to the game a bit later.
More Reality Augments
Rift-jector Seat
Anytime your Shield breaks, you’ll rift into the sky after a short delay.
Shadow Striker
Become able to get Shadow Bombs from containers.
Icy Slide
Get a brief icy speed boost after sliding.
Foliage you destroy will drop Big Bush Bombs and forageables. Also increases the effectiveness of eating forageables.
Mythic Munition
Obtain a Mythic Pistol.
Weekly quests update
From the moment v23.30 hits the live servers, Chapter Four, season one weekly quests will no longer expire after a full week. Instead, the quests will remain in your quest log until the end of the season and players can complete them while season one lasts.
Miscellaneous updates
- Wind currents will be disabled in Battle Royale/Zero Build for the duration of v23.30.
- The Forecast Reality Augment has been adjusted to only show the next three Storm circles after being selected, instead of showing all future Storm circles.
Competitive motes
- The Kamehameha and Nimbus Cloud (Kintoun) items are not included in competitive playlists.
- The Rift-jector Seat Reality Augment is not included in competitive playlists.
- FNCS Major one begins on Feb. 2. For more info, read our Fortnite Champion Series Global Championship Roadmap.
Bug fixes
- The Guardian Shield now blocks the Deku’s Smash ability.
- Fixed the issue that caused us to disable the Party Time Reality Augment. This Reality Augment is now re-enabled.
- Fixed some movement-related bugs.
- Players who own the Battle Pass and have unlocked the Noble Shroud Back Bling prior to v23.20 will now receive the Back Bling.
- Physics on the Joni the Red Outfit’s cape are now behaving correctly.
- The helmet on the Battle Hound and Molten Battle Hound Outfits no longer appears sideways.
- Players can again Emote after a Victory Royale.
- Players no longer take fall damage when sliding and using the Shockwave Hammer.
- On touch devices, the Falcon Scout no longer goes up or down without players touching any button.
Published: Feb 1, 2023 10:00 AM UTC