The clock is ticking down on Fortnite’s fourth season, and there’s only a couple weeks left to finish out your Battle Pass by reaching tier 100 and unlocking the vaunted Omega skin.
Thankfully, that’s what challenges are for, and this week’s challenges are pretty easy overall. Here’s the full list of challenges for the ninth week of season four, and how to complete them.
Deal damage with Explosive Weapons to opponents (500) – 5 Stars
Grenades, grenade launchers, and rocket launchers will help you take down this challenge. A good tip for any of these challenges where you have to deal damage with a specific weapon is that the damage numbers count even when an enemy is downed. So if you take down a fully shielded, full health enemy and then finish them off when they’re downed, that’s a potential nearly 300 damage total.
Search Chests in Moisty Mire (7) – 5 Stars
The swamp in the southeastern part of the map actually has a decent amount of chest spawns. Check the bases of massive trees, little mud islands in the swamp, and the inside areas of the film set.
Use a Shopping Cart (1) – 5 Stars
The hardest part of this challenge will be finding a shopping cart. But once you do, just interact with it for an easy five stars.
Visit the center of Named Locations in a Single Match (4) – 5 Stars
You will now see a small white column in the center of each named location on the map. The challenge here is to stay alive while visiting four central locations, so a good idea is to try this by starting in the northwest area of the map where things are usually pretty tame, and work your way south.
Follow the treasure map found in Haunted Hills (1) – 10 Stars
This week’s treasure map points to an area inside of Junk Junction for an easy 10 stars.

Shotgun Eliminations (4) – 10 Stars
In spite of all of Epic Games’ attempts to nerf shotguns, they’re still dominant in the meta. Just pick up a pump, tactical, or heavy shotgun and go to work for 10 stars.
Eliminate opponents in Anarchy Acres (3) – 10 Stars
The farm to the northern central area of the map will be home to more players than usual this week. This is your chance to snatch away their joy and take them out for three eliminations and 10 Battle Stars. Land there as soon as possible, hope to find a gun, and pick off as many as you can. This is best done in Solos.
Published: Jun 28, 2018 1:23 PM UTC