Fortnite streamer Nick Eh 30 likes doing a sort of in-game event with his viewers when he’s live. He asks them to join the same match as him by coordinating when everyone will queue. Before the game starts, he creates a simple set of rules that everyone must follow.
He chooses a place where everyone will drop, the weapons his viewers can use, and the skin they should wear, which is generally the default skin. Then he starts a game where his viewers have to stream snipe him and hunt him down—and then they have to hunt down whoever he’s spectating after he dies. This kind of stream sniping mode is what Nick calls “Solo Snipes.”
And when a player who isn’t watching Nick’s stream joins the match with them, this is what happens.
This is the moment of a match when Nick told his viewers to drop Tilted Towers and try to kill him. It’s an absurd number of people dropping in that area, and the player density in that building they call Trump Towers isn’t natural. Someone told them to go there, and that’s Nick.
The clueless victim isn’t dressed for the party of standard and Giddy-Up skins. He still decides to drop into the mayhem where everyone is, just to be killed a few seconds later by a Giddy-Up player.
It’s hard to understand at what point of Nick’s stream this user was also playing, but it feels very likely that he randomly joined the same lobby as Nick’s viewers. His curiosity got him killed by Nick’s army, so we can be sure that he’ll get geared up first the next time he sees this horde of players heading anywhere.
If you see a gang of standard or Giddy-Up skins, run—or grab your pickaxe and join the fun.
Published: Nov 12, 2018 12:30 PM UTC