Elemental Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can make your regular attacks do elemental damage. It can also make your armor immune to a specific element(s). You can get an Elemental Material relatively early in the game. Here’s how to get Elemental Materia in FF7 Rebirth.
How to get Elemental Materia in FF7 Rebirth

You can get the Elemental Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth by completing Junon Battle Intel: Conqueror of the Skies. You can also get one more by completing the Gongaga Battle Intel: Distant Tremors, but this comes much later in the game. To unlock this battle, you have to complete Junon Fiend Inter One and Four.
- Fiend Intel One is on the western coast of Junon (south of the Chocobo Ranch), where you have to defeat a single Fonadu.
- Fiend Inter Four is on the eastern coast of Junon (south of the Crow’s Nest), where you have to defeat several Stormwings.

Finish both Battle Intels, visit Chadley‘s combat simulator (at any location), and start Junon Battle Intel: Conqueror of the Skies. There are three battles here, and none of them are particularly difficult.
- In the first fight, defeat the Fleetwings first, then take out the Tonadu. Fleetwings go down in just a few hits, and Tonadu isn’t much more challenging.
- The Second fight has you battling a Zu. Simply use Wind attacks to Pressure the Zu, Stagger, and repeat. It should go down without any problems.
- The third fight is more annoying than tough. You have a Fonadu and two Stormwings. Focus on the Stormwings first. Attack them with Wind attacks to Pressure them and take them out. Once they are dead, focus on the Fonadu. The same tactic works with Air attacks, but Fonadu’s Death From Above attack hits hard and is incredibly tough to dodge. I recommend you bring a few Healing Materia just so the bird doesn’t end up killing you in the last round.
After you finish the third round, the Elemental Materia is yours. You can also get one more by completing the Gongaga Battle Intel: Distant Tremors, but this comes much later in the game.
What does the Elemental Materia do in FF7 Rebirth?
The Elemental Materia can do one of two things, depending on where you slot it.
- It can add elemental damage to your regular weapon attacks if you slot it on your weapon.
- It can half, prevent, or even absorb incoming elemental damage.
Don’t forget, you have to slot the Elemental Materia into a linked slot with another Elemental Materia to get this effect. If you put it in a single slot, you won’t get any benefit from it.
Is Elemental Materia useful in FF7 Rebirth?

Like in FF7 Remake and FF7 (the original game), Elemental Materia is extremely situational. On one hand, if you link a Fire Materia with the Elemental Materia, you can dominate enemies that are weak to fire. At the same time, if you forget to unequip this combination while you fight a bunch of Bombs (enemies made of fire), you will just end up healing them with your attacks.
Equipping the Elemental Materia on your armor probably makes more sense, especially during boss battles, but if you aren’t fighting enemies that are using the elemental attacks you have linked, you are simply wasting a Materia slot.
In short, if you know the enemy you are fighting against, an Elemental Materia can be a huge help, but if you are just progressing through the game and don’t know what you’ll encounter, an Elemental Materia can not only be a waste, it can actually harm you. So, be careful how you use it.
Published: Mar 5, 2024 12:16 PM UTC