There are several quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2 that task you with tracking someone down before they are attacked or overrun by a monster. For example, a group of wolves attacked a young boy named Rodge while he was collecting flowers, and you have to find him before it’s too late.
Before you can track Rodge, there are a few people in town you have to speak to learn more details. Thankfully, these people are close to the front of the city and point you in the correct direction of where you have to find him. However, after that, you need to follow Rodge’s tracks to find him in Dragon’s Dogma 2, or he might get eaten by the wolves.
How to complete Prey for the Pack in Dragon’s Dogma 2

When speaking with the apothecary, Morris, at Checkpoint Rest Town in Dragon’s Dogma 2, east of Vernworth, you receive the Prey for the Pack quest. Morris gives you the quest immediately as you approach; you don’t have a choice to accept or decline it. As soon as you get it time becomes crucial because you have to save Rodge before the wolves devour him.
Your first task is to speak with the citizens of Checkpoint Rest Town and learn what they saw before wolves attacked Rodge. You want to talk with Alsa, Timothy, and Jacint to learn what they saw. Alsa tells you Rodge was over by the glowing flowers that bloom at night. Timothy shares that Rodge was by the cenotaph, east of Checkpoint Rest Town.
Finally, Jacint tells you he tends the flowerbed on the outskirts of town. With all these details together, it’s time to go to the last location where Rodge was to pick up the trail.

You can reach this location by following the main road out of Checkpoint Rest Town and then making your way east. After speaking with the villagers, a quest marker on your map should point you to the correct area for Rodge’s last location during this Dragon’s Dogma 2 quest. However, when you arrive, the next step is to figure out how to track down Rodge and learn his location.
Rodge location in Dragon’s Dogma 2

You find Rodge by following the glowing flowers. You can wait until nighttime to follow these flowers in Dragon’s Dogma 2 or look for the large, bright blue flowerbeds scattered through the area. Find Rodge’s location by following them further east from Checkpoint Rest Town. The exact location you want to reach is a cave called Putrid Cave.

Multiple wolves will be inside Putrid Cave when you attempt to find Rodge. Many will attack you before you reach Rodge, and you need to continue following the glowing blue flowers to find his exact location. He should be at the back of the cave, trapped by a final wolf you must defeat. After speaking with Rodge, he begins following you, and you have to lead him back to Checkpoint Rest Town, specifically, to Morris.

It is important to note you must ensure Rodge follows you the entire time. If he gets too far behind or you can’t see the NPC companion icon on your minimap anymore, it means he’s stopped moving. You need to return to his location and get close enough that Rodge starts the process again. Eventually, he should return with you to Checkpoint Rest Town, and you complete the Prey for the Pack quest and can continue the DD2 story.
Published: Mar 22, 2024 9:14 AM UTC