Loot is the name of the game in Diablo 4, and Season of Blood has introduced tons of new Legendary and Unique items, including the Oculus, a Sorcerer-exclusive Unique Wand that can drastically change how your class plays.
With the Oculus item, Sorcerers are given the Teleport Enchantment for free. Instead of evading whenever you dodge, you are instead teleported to a random, nearby direction. This can be great for the class considering its typically ranged nature, putting more distance between the Sorcerer and enemies.
Getting the Oculus item is significantly harder than actually using it. If you are trying to find the Oculus in Diablo 4, here’s what you need to do.
Where to get the Oculus in Diablo 4
The Oculus Drops from endgame boss The Beast in the Ice in Diablo 4. Before seeking out either this boss or the needed materials to summon The Beast in the Ice, you first need to unlock and start playing on World Tier Three.

To summon The Beast in the Ice you need to gather an item called Distilled Fear. You can obtain Distilled Fear by completing Tier 30 Nightmare Dungeons. Nightmare dungeons are significantly harder versions of regular dungeons in Sanctuary, though you need to craft Nightmare Sigils to unlock these harder versions.
After you acquire nine Distilled Fear, return to the Occultist and craft a Glacial Fissure Nightmare Sigil. If you go into your inventory and use this new Nightmare Sigil, you can then start the dungeon.
Slaying The Beast in the Ice is not too hard; I found him to be easier than other endgame bosses like Grigoire or Duriel. After the level 85 boss has been slain, you can loot the Oculus or other Unique items such as The Skull Torch or a rare Mount Trophy.
Published: Nov 2, 2023 10:57 PM UTC