It’s now been one month since Diablo 4 was released and gamers are lusting for the game’s first season to give them a reason to play.
Once the exciting campaign comes to its end and players enter into the third and fourth World Tiers, many are finding the endgame to be flawed, going as far as to call it “boring” and “dogshit” in a recent Reddit thread.
The thread above, from “a long time Diablo player” who enjoyed the previous two games in the series, plays the game with their sons, aged 17 and 21. But for them and seemingly many others, the endgame isn’t enough to keep them playing right now.
Related: Diablo 4 players agree on worst part of the game—and they have a point
“We’ve thoroughly enjoyed the campaign and the gearing up process to enter World Tier 4,” the Reddit user said. “However, both my sons have quit playing at about the level 70ish mark as they say it’s not worth it. They’re complaining that the legendary drops are trash, and the few uniques that do drop are worse then the ones they have currently equipped (10 levels lower to boot!).”
The Redditor, username Grimmbeaver, went on to call it “a frustratingly boring grind” and said the loot drops “aren’t enticing enough” to keep their sons playing.
“They’ve enjoyed the Helltides, Legion events, world bosses and Nightmare Dungeons, but ultimately found the drops to be sorely underwhelming and insufficient to keep them engaged,” Grimmbeaver said. “It’s really disappointing. We’ve spent almost $400 on this game as a family and wish the game was more enticing to play.”
And Grimmbeaver is not alone. For a live-service game, player retention is crucial. But many seem to have already moved on after finishing the campaign, claiming the endgame grind is not nearly interesting or enticing enough.
“Started the game early access with five in real life friends, played it a lot for three weeks, now none of us play,” said a top commenter in the thread above.
This sentiment rang true throughout the thread, with many jumping in to offer similar opinions on the endgame experience, which mainly consists of grinding Nightmare Dungeons and not much else.
“My entire group has quit,” another commenter said. “Some, not all, will try again in Season 1. But unless they make some major changes, game is boring. From terrible Itemization to extremely arcadey mob design and “challenges” (if we can call them that), its design is tedium > fun.”
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Thankfully, season one is on the way. Blizzard will reveal details about the first content season and battle pass for Diablo 4 in a livestream on July 6, with the season due to arrive sometime this month.
And for many, a different reason to play the game can’t come soon enough.
“Wait, there’s endgame?” one player joked. “I’m level 98 and have yet to see any sort of end game… it’s pointless to push to 100. Literally once you hit level 60, the game is over.”
Published: Jul 5, 2023 4:17 PM UTC