Guardian Games 2024 kicked off on March 5 in Destiny 2, and along with the annual class-versus-class competition, we got an incredibly fun gift—Skimmers, also known as hoverboards.
Skimmers aren’t your average Sparrow. They’re a whole new transport archetype with new mechanics, including jumping and air grinding. Unsurprisingly, it only took players a couple of hours to find out you can use grinding for some of the silliest movement tech in Destiny 2. On March 5, multiple players shared videos on Reddit of them grinding through the air at incredible heights, with absolutely nothing stopping them.
“At last, the age of the sparrow has come to an end, thus the dawn of the skimmer is upon us,” one player wrote—as if Gandalf had joined the Destiny universe—and many others agreed Skimmers will be their go-to mode of transport from now on.
The Skimmer’s air-grinding mechanic does exactly what it says on the tin—it lets you grind the air like you’re on a skateboard rail. Once you activate it, the hoverboard will grind through the sky until cancelled or its charge is depleted. It doesn’t matter where you are, or how high. The only thing that can stop you is hitting the edge of the map. Having said that, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Guardians grinding through holes in the world over the next few days.
Since the Skimmer has a fairly substantial charge, you can spend quite a while in the air, which made some fans worried Bungie will “nuke-nerf” the mechanic. While we don’t know for sure, I’d say that’s unlikely to happen, since Destiny 2 already has multiple broken mechanics that let you move unnaturally throughout the battlefield, like wellskating and shatterskating.
Skimmers might make the Sparrow sections of certain dungeons and strikes much easier, though. Especially since the Prophecy dungeon had a loot refresh, the Skimmer might be a perfect choice for you to start grinding (pun intended) for new weapons, like the Adjudicator.
Published: Mar 6, 2024 1:01 PM UTC