Destiny 2’s The Final Shape expansion will serve as the culmination of a 10-year journey, and as part of that, the new powers that it will imbue in the Guardians hearkens back to the very beginning of their journey.
In today’s annual Destiny Showcase, Bungie unveiled details about The Final Shape for the first time, which included the announcement that all three classes will be getting a new Light super each: a Void super for Titan, an Arc one for Hunters, and a Solar super for Warlocks. Each of them pays tribute in their own way to the supers that Guardians started with back in the original Destiny.
The new Warlock super joins the Hunter’s Golden Gun as the only other first-person super in Destiny 2. Described as “the ultimate expression of Solar energy coursing through your Guardian,” this super is a callback to Radiance from Destiny, empowering your melee and grenade abilities to deal devastating amounts of damage and crowd control with ease. At the same time, you are supercharging your allies’ solar weapons with their own set of buffs to incorporate an element of teamplay into it.
The new Titan super is the most unique, being the only one-off ranged super that Titans have access to in the game. For the class’ new Void super, they are able to summon three Void axes that they can then throw at a group of enemies to both pull them in and do large amounts of area damage. With the focus on teamplay elements being a universal design choice with these new supers, the axes that the Titans throw also stay in place after the initial impact and can be wielded by your fireteam.
As for Arc Hunters, their new super pays homage to Arc Blade. Hunters will be able to throw an Arc knife into a group of enemies and then Blink toward it to perform a powerful radial slash attack in the radius of where the knife landed. Similar to the Titan ability, Hunters will have access to three of these knives to perform this against multiple groups of enemies before it dissipates.
On top of the new supers, The Final Shape will be making use of the Aspects system that Light subclasses now benefit from to add more unique ways to build each subclass. Bungie showed off a new Warlock Aspect that gives them access to a Solar Soul similar to the Arc Soul, which can shoot out projectiles that afflict enemies with Scorch damage. The new Titan Aspect will let Void Titans consume their grenade to form a shield that not only absorbs damage but then fires it back out. Hunters are getting a rare supportive Aspect for Arc, where after a brief animation plays with their Arc Staff, both you and your allies will be Amplified.
All of this new content will be available when Destiny 2’s The Final Shape expansion launches on Feb. 27, 2024.
Published: Aug 22, 2023 4:54 PM UTC