Don’t you just love hopping into a session of Modern Warfare 3 Zombies and spending 20-odd minutes rebuilding your loadout just to reach the tier-three zones? Don’t worry, for there’s a handy perk that allows you to get going a heck of a lot faster.
Sometimes it’s an absolute pain to exfil out without any rare rewards from contract completions despite spending a session gearing up. However, using this perk and several other features on the map, you’ll be able to store important upgrades so you can drop in and head straight for the good loot on your next run.
Here’s how to do the Essence and item glitch using the Tombstone Soda in MW3 Zombies.
The MW3 Zombies Tombstone Essence and item glitch, explained

The MW3 Zombies Tombstone Essence and item glitch revolves around one perk available to players on Urzikstan: Tombstone Soda. When drunk, Tombstone Soda grants you an “afterlife” tomb you can visit after a game concludes—full of all your equipment and gear from when you died.
Do note:
Your weapons, backpack, and upgraded vest will be lost when you die. Items like upgraded Aether Tools, Aetherium Crystals for insta-Pack-a-Punch, spare perks, killstreaks, and Essence will be saved for your next run.
An early version of this glitch actually doubled your Essence once you returned to the tombstone, meaning after a few doublings, Zombies players were running around with a million Essence and a full loadout. An early December 2023 patch ultimately removed this unintended bonus, but the Tombstone method is still great for saving items and base Essence so when you drop in for your next run, you’ll be fully geared and ready for tier three.
Build up your Essence balance and find a Tombstone Soda

Let’s assume you’re starting from the beginning—no inventory items, a single Contraband weapon, and no perks. Drop into Urzikstan and begin building up your gear as you normally would. Complete contracts, clear out Strongholds, Pack-a-Punch your gun, and move into the tier-two zone.
As soon as you can, grab a Tombstone Soda. If you’re lucky you’ll come across one from a Rewards Rift after a contract or Stronghold completion. Otherwise, find the Tombstone Soda machine on the map—you’ll want to look for the icon with a gravestone and a skull. It’ll cost you 2,000 Essence to purchase the Tombstone Soda.

You can also obtain Tombstone Soda from the map’s secret Easter egg method. Head to G7 and the roof of the marked building on the map above. Look to the south where you should see a yellow crane and a small blue figure about halfway up. Zoom into and stare at this figure for a moment and you’ll get a jumpscare from a familiar blue bunny. After the jumpscare, a Reward Rift will open and you’ll receive the Tombstone Soda.
Complete more contracts and set up your inventory
So you’ve got your Tombstone Soda and are half-decently geared. Keep on building up your equipment and inventory via Pack-a-Punching weapons and contracts and move into tier three.
Continue to play as normal until the timer begins to run low. Gather as many Aetherium Crystals, weapon upgrade tools, and killstreaks as you can. Once you’re ready to wrap up, head to the flagpole in the tier three zone where you’ll find a gravesite to “pay respects.” Inserting your weapon into the gravesite will strip it back to base level and you’ll have a chance to receive extra Aetherium Crystals and upgrade tools.

Once done, head to a safe location in the tier-one zone and let the zombies kill you. Don’t let anyone revive you nearby, and unequip any Self-Revives—your goal here is to die intentionally.
Die, then find your Tombstone
After the zombies take you, you’ll be kicked to the main menu. Redeploy into Urzikstan (you won’t need to bring any gear here) and head straight for your Tombstone. The Tombstone will be left at the location where you died and will contain all the Essence and items from your previous run.

Once you’ve arrived, grab all your gear and you’re pretty much set to begin in tier three. Don’t forget to find and refill on Tombstone Soda so you can repeat the process!
Published: Dec 4, 2023 5:21 AM UTC