Once you hit chapter four in Armored Core 6, I think it’s safe to say you’re in the endgame. The builds you’ve come to rely on may not work anymore, as the enemies get tougher and the fights get fiercer. But by now you’ll have almost all the weapons and parts in the game, meaning you can build an unstoppable AC.
Best late-game build in Armored Core 6

What you need most in Armored Core 6‘s endgame is versatility and adaptability—a build that works as a solid baseline for you to experiment with. The missions in chapter four and five are varied, so your build needs to be too. This is the build I used, opting for nimble tank tracks to give me the perfect mix of high load capacity and high agility, allowing me to dodge damage but also dish it out.
Weapons, parts, components, and stats
- Dual Vvc-760PR plasma rifles
- Dual VVc-70VPM vertical plasma missile launchers
- VE-448 – head
- EL-TC-10 FIRMEZA – body
- EL-TA-10 FIRMEZA – arms
- EL-TL-11-FORTALEZA – tank tracks
- No booster – the tank tracks have their own
- FCS-G2/P05 – FCS
- VP-20C – generator
- Terminal Armor
Build stats:
- AP – 11,300
- Defensive Performance – 1,130
- Attitdue Stability – 1,717
- Boost Speed – 369
Late-game build strategy for AC6

This build has more advanced weaponry than the early-game build, and while it has less defense and AP than the mid-game build, it more than it more than makes up for this slight dip with its phenomenal speed. The tank tracks also give it a high load capacity so you can swap out the light plasma weapons for heavier kinetic and explosive tools of destruction whenever the situation calls for it.
By this point in the game, you can’t just tank hits, you’ve got to hit hard then get out of the way of devastating retaliation. This build functions as a hit-and-run specialist. You can fire off a massive barrage of plasma missiles and then take to the air to unload the plasma rifles on the foes below. The AoE from your plasma will damage foes long after you’ve boosted away. Getting in the air also means even if you miss, the AoE will do some chip damage. Despite the low impact damage, the AoE’s damage over time can rapidly stagger enemies caught in the blast zone.
This is the best strategy regardless of which weapons you use. Going toe-to-toe with most bosses from here on out will just leave you a smoldering pile of scrap. Get in, line up a big shot, fire away, then bug out.
Strengths and weaknesses

- Unparalleled speed
- Good energy and weight capacity for customization
- Plasma weapons have a large AoE
- Not the best defenses
- Middling flight capabilities
- Weapons can overheat
Late-game build customization potential

By this point in AC6, you should have unlocked most weapons and parts. Some chapter four missions take place in cramped tunnels, so swap to big explosive cannons or front-firing missiles instead of the verticle plasma rockets. You might want to grab the Moonlight Sword instead of going double-trigger with the plasma rifles too.
The only part of this build that’s essential is the tank tracks. They’re stupid fast but still have a good load capacity, so you can tweak the body and weapons to your heart’s content.
Published: Aug 26, 2023 1:54 PM UTC