The Lich King’s influence has spread past Azeroth and has finally reached the land of Sanctuary.
Blizzard added Invincible—arguably the most iconic mount in the history of World of Warcraft—to the Diablo 4 store earlier today. The mount looks almost identical to the way it does in WoW and is definitely a great way to show your love for both games. There is a catch, of course, as the mount costs 2,500 Platinum in the Diablo 4 shop.
Although it’s not a one-to-one copy of how Invincible appears in WoW, the Diablo 4 version of the undead horse does bear some striking similarities. The armor that the Invincible mount wears in Diablo is almost exactly the same as it appears in WoW, while the horse’s glowing blue eyes can also be seen in both games.
The biggest difference that can be seen in the Diablo version of Invincible is in the undead horse’s legs, which are noticeably more decayed and fleshy than they are in WoW.

In addition to the Invincible mount, the Lich King’s famous Helm of Domination and his trusty blade Frostmourne are included as mount trophies.
Invincible also finally came to WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic earlier this month, with Icecrown Citadel reaching the Classic servers on Oct. 14. It’s a bit harder to get the mount in WoW than it is in Diablo, considering you’ll need to defeat the Lich King on 25-player Heroic mode to even have a chance at earning it. On retail WoW servers, the drop rate for Invincible is well below the one-percent threshold.
The Invincible Aspect can be purchased in the Diablo IV shop for 2,500 Platinum, though, so if your ICC runs haven’t been going great in WoW and you’re willing to spend some actual money on Diablo, this might be a solid temporary solution for you. Still, we recommend you keep chugging away at your Lich King attempts every week over in WoW.
Published: Oct 20, 2023 9:13 PM UTC