In World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, Warlocks can be tanks and the ability that allows this is Metamorphosis.
Metamorphosis transforms any Warlock into a huge demon, increasing their armor by 500 percent, reducing the chance to get critically struck by six percent, increasing threat by 50 percent, making mana gains from Life Tap 100 percent better, and transforming iconic abilities like Shadow Bolt into tanking abilities.
Players struggled to find this Rune, but finally, you too can unlock Metamorphosis. So, here’s a step-by-step guide on exactly how you can unlock Metamorphosis in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
How can you unlock the Warlock Metamorphosis spell in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?
Unlocking the Warlock Metamorphosis ability in Season of Discovery has a couple of steps and the first one is to find and loot the Orb of Des at the very top of the Tower of the Ilgalar in Redridge Mountains. The tower is located in Galadrell Valley, at the east of Redridge Mountains, at the 75, 50 coordinates. The Orb of Des is at the very top of the tower, on the table.

Then, you need to head to the Tower of Althalaxx in Darkshore and find and loot Bough of Altek. The Tower of Althalaxx is located north of Darkshore, between the Ruins of Mathystra and Cliff-Spring River. The exact coordinates of the Tower of Althalaxx are 56, 25 in Darkshore. Bough of Altek is at the top of the tower near the table.

It’s important to note that both of these items are lootable by both the Horde and the Alliance and these towers are surrounded by elite mobs. This means you need to ask friends or guildmates to lend you a hand.
Once you have these two items, the next step is to start and complete The Orb of Soran’ruk quest near Camp Taurajo, in the Barrens at the 49,57 coordinates. The level requirement for this quest is level 25 and both the Horde and the Alliance need to pick it up. The Doan Karhan starts this quest and asks you to get three Soran’ruk Fragments from Twilight Acolytes in Blackfathom Depths and one Large Soran’ruk Fragment from Shadowfang Darksoul in Shadowfang Keep. This means you have to clear the Blackfathom Depths raid and Shadowfang Keep dungeon at least once.

Go back to the NPC in the Barrens, turn in the quest, and get Rumors Abound. This is when you turn in the Orb of Des and Bough of Altek.
Then, you get The Conjuring quest that requires you to gather 10 Blood of the Legion. For that part, head to the southeast part of Ashenvale at the Demon Fall Ridge and slay demons there. Demon Fall Ridge is located at the Demon Fall Canyon, at the 79, 80 coordinates.

You have to read the quest and follow these instructions because the Questie addon doesn’t include this quest. After you have all 10 bloods, run up to the altar and interact with it until an Infernal walks out of a portal. You have to get the killing blow on the Infernal, meaning you have to be the player who defeats it.
Once you defeat the Infernal, you get the Mysterious Traveler quest and you have to return to the NPC in the Barrens, turn it in, and you get the Metamorphosis Rune.
It’s important to note that these quests can be done in a group, and for the Blackfathom Depths one, you need to be in a raid. Don’t worry, you can still complete that quest in a raid, but not other quests.
How to learn the Warlock Metamorphosis spell in WoW Classic Season of Discovery
Once you get the rune, open your bag, and right-click the rune. Then, you need to open your character information, choose the Metamorphosis rune, and equip it to your gloves. You have to reapply this rune each time you swap your hands gear.
Published: Dec 4, 2023 11:45 AM UTC