WoW Classic Season of Discovery is bringing with it plenty of changes to the normal, everyday WoW experience. From new gameplay systems to open-world secrets and completely restructured talents, the WoW Classic as you know it is about to get flipped on its head.
The biggest of those changes, however, is coming to the end game, which will be separated into several different level “bands,” each of which have their own end-game content. The first phase of the Season of Discovery will feature one of the game’s oldest five-player dungeons, Blackfathom Deeps, in an entirely new light as a 10-player raid.
This new version of Blackfathom Deeps will include new bosses, new mechanics, and an all-new style of play that demands the absolute best from 10 players at a maximum end-game level of 25.
Still, before you can tackle Blackfathom Deeps head-on, the first challenge will be actually arriving at the dungeon’s entrance. Here’s how to get there.
Where is the Blackfathom Deeps entrance in WoW Classic?

Alliance players should approach Blackfathom Deeps from either Astranaar in Ashenvale (which will have you coming toward the dungeon from the south) or Auberdine in Darkshore, which causes you to approach it from the north. The most conveniently close flight path for Horde players is the Zoram’gar Outpost.
Once you’re in the general vicinity of the dungeon in the northwestern part of the zone, head for coordinates [44, 35]. There, you’ll find a large stone structure surrounded by Naga, with the center cutout of the temple playing host to a stagnant pool of water. Jump into the pool and swim to the bottom, heading underneath the structure and into the neighboring cave system.
Follow the cave system completely, making the first possible right turn, and then the next possible left turn. Once you reach the end of the underwater caves, you’ll find the entrance to Blackfathom Deeps. Be on the lookout for elite mobs who guard the area. If you’re nervous about approaching them by yourselves, ask some of the groupmates that you plan to run the dungeon with to enter the dungeon alongside you.
Published: Nov 27, 2023 05:55 pm