Aspect of the Lion is one of the most powerful runes any player of any class can acquire during WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery.
Hunters will have access to this rune starting around level 23, and as soon as you acquire it, you’ll want to engrave it on your chest armor to instantly give your character a boost. Aspect of the Lion increases all stats of party members by 10 percent, as well as your stats by an additional 10 percent, making it one of the strongest DPS and throughput boosters in the game. You’ll want to have Aspect of the Lion as soon as possible, but definitely before you start doing endgame dungeons and raids in phase one of SoD, such as Blackfathom Deeps, Shadowfang Keep, and the Stormwind Stockade.
Here’s how you can acquire the Aspect of the Lion rune in WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery.
Where to find Carrodin in for the Aspect of the Lion Hunter run in WoW Classic
The Aspect of the Lion rune drops off an elite enemy named Carrodin, who can be found at Thelgen Rock in the Wetlands. Carrodin is a brown owl who is relatively easy to kill, provided you’re at a high enough level and are well-prepared to fight him. Carrodin is located at coordinates [47, 64] in the Wetlands. Upon killing Carrodin, you’ll receive the Aspect of the Lion rune.

Aspect of the Lion is a must-have for Hunters as it’s one of the best raid-wide spells available to players in the first phase of Season of Discovery. We expect it to remain a high-priority rune throughout the entire season, even as more Hunter runes get added to the game in further phases. The 10-percent, party-wide stat bonus is something that few other classes in the game can replicate, especially during the early stages of SoD, meaning you’ll absolutely want to bring a Hunter along with you for any dungeon or raid content.
Published: Jan 10, 2024 8:11 PM UTC