Tailors in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery can finally learn and craft Invoker’s Mantle.
These shoulders are amazing and give additional spell damage and healing, meaning they are a great choice for all cloth DPS caster classes and healers. Besides all that, not even Blackfathom Deeps loot can compare with this. The best cloth shoulders come from the Allegiance to the Old Gods quest for the Horde, which increases your healing and damage done by five. It seems Invoker’s Mantle is even stronger than this.
Here’s how to get Invoker’s Mantle in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
How to get Invoker’s Mantle recipe in WoW Classic Season of Discovery

Invoker’s Mantle recipe is sold by Borya in Orgrimmar or Elynna in Darnassus. Both NPCs are Tailoring Supplies dealers, selling various threads, dyes, and rare recipes. While Borya is located in Magar’s Cloth Goods in the Drag in Orgrimmar at coordinates 62.84, 51.16, Elyanna is in Darnassus, in Craftmen’s Terrace at coordinates 60.4 36.8.
At the time of publication, Invoker’s Mantle still isn’t available for purchase, but I assume it will be a limited recipe. This means that Borya and Elynna might only have a couple in stock at a time, and you need to wait a couple of hours before they have another recipe available. Invoker’s Mantle should be available later in the week of Dec. 18.
How to get Invoker’s Mantle in WoW Classic Season of Discovery
If you’re not a Tailor, the best possible option for you is to either buy it via the auction house (but the prices will be through the roof) or find a crafter with the recipe in the Trade Chat that is, hopefully, ready to craft the item only with your mats.
Outside of that, you don’t have many options. You can pick up Tailoring yourself, but waiting for the recipe will almost certainly take a while.
Published: Dec 19, 2023 10:47 AM UTC