Bringing the right consumables in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery can mean the difference between downing a boss and wiping. I’ll tell you about one of the most useful potions in SoD and how to get it.
If you plan to do the Blackfathom Deeps raid, chances are you will need a few of these. The Free Action Potion is mandatory, especially if you plan to be a tank or a melee DPS. Even if you don’t plan on raiding in WoW Classic SoD, making the Free Action Potion can be quite lucrative.
What does Free Action Potion do in WoW Classic SoD?

The Free Action Potion gives you immunity to almost all stuns and movement-impairing effects for 30 seconds. This makes this potion very useful in PvP and PvE. When fighting Twilight Lord Kelris in BFD, he will cast Shadowy Chains in his second phase, binding and damaging most players. A Free Action Potion will make you completely immune to this attack.
How to get Free Action Potion recipe in WoW Classic SoD

You can get the Free Action Potion recipe by buying it from the following vendors:
- Ulthir in Darnassus at 55,24
- Soolie Berryfizz in Ironforge at 66,54
- Kor’geld in Orgrimmar at 56,34
Now for the bad news: They can only sell one potion recipe every few hours. This means that while anyone can buy the recipe, it’s first come, first served. Worst of all, even a non-alchemist can buy and sell this 16 silver and 20 copper recipe for a couple of gold pieces at the auction house.
Is Free Action Potion hard to make in WoW Classic SoD?

Kind of. The ingredients for the Free Action Potion aren’t hard to come by; they can just be annoying to gather. Firstly, you need to have your Alchemy at 150. Secondly, you need to catch Oily Blackmouth. For a single Free Action Potion, you need four Oily Blackmouths, which you can turn into two vials of Blackmouth Oil. Oily Blackmouths can be fished in most 15 to 30 leveling zones. The best place to farm them is Stranglethorn Vale, but I recommend catching them in Hillsbrad Foothills or the Wetlands in SoD phase one.
You also need a Strangekelp, which grows around most bodies of water, and a Leaded Vial, which you can buy from vendors.
Overall, while it’s annoying to catch so many Oily Mlackmouths, the rest of the ingredients aren’t too difficult to come by, and you should make quite a bit of money selling this potion. At the same time, your raid members will love even more if you share some potions during BFD.
Published: Dec 20, 2023 2:44 PM UTC