World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery has brought back the vanilla version of Azeroth with a few twists. Limited at level cap 25, Enchantments have quickly risen as one of the best end phase professions so far.
Alongside classic professions such as blacksmithing, leatherworking, and tailoring, Enchantment is among the most useful for powering up max level characters. Similar to how player levels are currently capped at 25 in phase one, profession levels are also limited. This means that if you are playing in Season of Discovery phase one, you will not have access to all Enchant options.
So, your lower level enchantments can have a much more profound effect on your party and raid members since we plan to hover around the lower levels in World of Warcraft for longer. Given the sheer number of class changes, we could also expect new Enchantments in the future as well.
Best Enchantments in WoW SoD

The best Enchantments are those that relates to the primary stat that your character uses. For example, if you are a Mage player, regardless of DPS or Arcane healing Mage, you should get the Enchant Bracer to get a Lesser Intellect improvement.
Stat improvements are currently the most important Enchantments, as they can directly help you deal more damage, heal more efficiently, or manage threat better. Below is a table showing the various stat upgrades available to Enchanters at level 25.
Enchant Name | Enchant Effect | Source | Needed Materials |
Enchant Chest – Lesser Mana | Enchants a Chest piece item to increase the max mana of the user by 30. | Taught by Enchantment profession trainers. | x1 Runed Silver Rod x1 Greater Astral Essence x1 Large Glimmering Shard |
Enchant Chest – Health | Enchants a Chest piece item to increase the max health by 25. | Taught by Enchantment profession trainers. | x1 Runed Silver Rod x1 Lesser Astral Essence x4 Strange Dust |
Enchant Bracer – Lesser Intellect | Enchants a Bracer piece item to increase the max Intellect of the user by three. | Taught by Kitta Firewind (Elwynn Forest) Taught by Hgarth (Stonetalon Mountains) | x1 Runed Silver Rod x2 Lesser Astral Essence |
Enchant Bracer – Lesser Strength | Enchants a Bracer piece item to increase the max Strength of the user by three. | Recipe sold by Dalria in Ashenvale (Alliance) and Kulwia in Stonetalon Mountains (Horde). | x1 Runed Silver Dust x2 Soul Dust |
Enchant Boots – Lesser Ag | Enchants a Feet piece item to increase the max Agility of the user by three. | Taught by Kitta Firewind (Elwynn Forest) Taught by Hgarth (Stonetalon Mountains) | x1 Runed Golden Rod x1 Soul Dust x1 Lesser Mystic Essence |
Enchant Shield – Lesser Protection | Enchants a Shield item to increase the max Armor of the user by 30. | Learned from the Formula: Enchant Shield – Lesser Protection recipe. Looted from Defias workers in Westfall and fished in the Stonetalon Mountains. | x1 Runed Silver Rod x1 Lesser Astral Essence x1 Strange Dust x1 Small Glimmering Shard |
Published: Dec 13, 2023 2:33 AM UTC