WoW Dragonflight’s final content update of 2023, Patch 10.2, has officially been revealed. The patch will bring with it a host of new changes, including a new season, another raid, and a zone players have been wanting to dive into for decades: the Emerald Dream.
Patch 10.2, titled Guardians of the Dream, will be the biggest content update since the Embers of Neltharion update earlier this year.
Here’s everything in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2, plus the final version of the content update’s patch notes.
WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 release date
Dragonflight Patch 10.2 will roll out on Nov. 7 for NA players and on Nov. 8 for European players. It’s important to note that the third season won’t start until Nov. 14. This will also mark the beginning of the third Dragonflight Race to World First, wherein the world’s best raiders will compete to clear the entire Amirdrassil raid.
What’s new in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2?

New zone: The Emerald Dream
At long last, the Emerald Dream is being added to WoW as a playable zone in Patch 10.2. The longstanding home of all things Druidic and Green Dragonflight-focused, the Emerald Dream has been a hotspot for WoW lore and theories ever since the game’s inception.
Now, players will be able to dive into the Dream headfirst and defend it from the evil Incarnate Fyrakk and his forces of Shadowflame.
New renown track: Dream Wardens
Inside the Dream, our most prominent allies will be the Dream Wardens. This faction of Druids, Dryads, and Moonkin will be our main point of communication and progression inside the new zone, and they’ll be the proprietors of Dragonflight’s newest renown track.
New raid: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope
With the launch of Dragonflight season three, a new raid will be coming to WoW. Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope, will take place inside the Emerald Dream, with the newly-planted world tree Amirdassil serving as the raid’s setting and backdrop. The raid will feature nine bosses, with Fyrakk being the final boss of the instance. Amirdrassil launches with all difficulties available.
New seasonal Mythic+ dungeon pool
A new rotation of Mythic+ dungeons will be coming with Dragonflight season three. This season, there are no repeated dungeons, and a majority of the picks are from past expansions. The eight dungeons in the pool this season are:
- Throne of the Tides
- The Everbloom
- Waycrest Manor
- Atal’dazar
- Black Rook Hold
- Darkheart Thicket
- Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond’s Fall
- Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond’s Rise
PvP in Dragonflight Patch 10.2
PvP’ers can expect another new season to come in Patch 10.2, in addition to a new PvP brawl, Battleground Blitz. This brawl will bring with it a solo queue mode for preexisting rated battlegrounds.
UI updates and quality-of-life changes
Several minor changes will be coming to the WoW UI in Patch 10.2, with the quest log, objective tracker, and Hunter stable all receiving visual refreshes. The WoW dev team has been continually modernizing the game’s look throughout Dragonflight, and that will continue with the upcoming patch.
Dragonriding updates
Dragonriding will get another update in the form of new glyphs, new Dragonriding abilities, and new races in the Emerald Dream.
Furthermore, there will be two new Dragonriding mounts coming in Patch 10.2: a Faerie Dragon mount awarded to players who complete all campaign chapters, as well as the first non-dragon mount to use the Dragonriding system—the Fire Owl.
Quests in Patch 10.2
Players should anticipate more Dragonflight campaign quests in Patch 10.2, as well as the continuation of the Tyr storyline. Another new storyline surrounding Wrathion and Vyranoth will also be introduced, as players will travel to Outland and Stormheim with them to recruit other Dragonflights into the ongoing efforts on the Dragon Isles.
WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 patch notes

Class balance
The list of balancing changes for Dragonflight Patch 10.2 is extensive, and I highly recommend you check out the official patch notes here.

- New glyphs to collect to learn three new traits:
- Swift Skimming (Passive): Ground Skimming can occur now while affected by Thrill of the Skies.
- Wind’s Respite (Passive): After activating Aerial Halt, experience a brief moment of weightlessness as the effects of gravity are reduced for four seconds.
- Second Wind (Active, three charges, three minute recharge): Instantly generate one vigor.
- New dragonriding races and world quests in the Emerald Dream.
- New dragonriding mount: Flourishing Whimsydrake
- New Grotto Netherwing Drake appearances to collect.

- Rashok’s Molten Heart mana restore effect reduced by 70 percent, healing reduced by 50 percent, and Versatility reduced by 20 percent.
- Beacon to the Beyond damage reduced by 11 percent.
- Ominous Chromatic Essence secondary stat granted reduced by five percent.
- Neltharion’s Call to Dominance duration increased to 20 seconds (was 10 seconds), but primary stat granted reduced by 50 percent.
- The Revival Catalyst will be available during the first week of season three. However, players will only gain a charge every two weeks instead of every week.
- In conjunction with the earlier opening of the Revival Catalyst, tier armor tokens will continue to drop at the current 1:3 rate relative to non-tier loot.
- Developers’ note: By shifting more of tier acquisition to the Revival Catalyst and away from tier token drops, we expect that players will complete their set bonuses at the same rate or faster than Season 2. While raiders will still enjoy an edge as the season begins, players who prefer not to raid will be far closer behind them than previously.
- Very Rare item drop rates have been further adjusted, and these now have a chance to drop in addition to a boss’s typical quantity of loot; for example, a 20-player group could receive one tier token, three non-tier items, and Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle.
- Developers’ note: As we continue to iterate on Very Rare items, we hope that elevating them to drop independently as bonus loot will feel less frustrating than knowing that Icewrath’s Channeling Conduit could have been a Whispering Incarnate Icon. This also ensures that drop rates are consistent across all Very Rare items.

- New recipes have been added.
- Alchemy
- Dreamwalker’s Healing Potion
- Potion of Withering Dreams
- Blacksmithing
- Flourishing Dream Helm
- Verdant Combatant set
- Cooking
- Slumbering Peacebloom Tea
- Enchanting
- Enchant Weapon: Dreaming Devotion
- Illusory Adornment: Dreams
- Enchanted Whelpling’s Dreaming Crest
- Enchanted Wyrm’s Dreaming Crest
- Enchanted Aspect’s Dreaming Crest
- Engineering
- Portable Party Platter
- Verdant Combatant goggles
- Herbalism
- Overgrown herbs
- Inscription
- Vantus Rune: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope
- Glyph of the Lunar Chameleon
- Mark of the Auric Dreamstag
- Grotto Netherwing Drake: Chin Tendrils
- Grotto Netherwing Drake: Spiked Jaw
- Winding Slitherdrake: Hairy Chin
- Verdant Combatant trinkets
- Contract: Dream Wardens
- Jewelcrafting
- Dreamtender’s Charm
- Leatherworking
- Verdant Conduit
- Verdant Combatant sets
- Mining
- Living nodes
- Tailoring
- Verdant Tether
- Verdant Combatant set
- The following embellishments damage and healing values have been reduced by 35 percent:
- Frostfire Belt
- Fang Adornments
- Slimy Expulsion Boots
- Toxic Thorn Footwraps
- Acidic Hailstone Treads
- Magazine of Healing Darts
- Playful Spirit’s Fur set
- Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch
- Spore Colony Shoulderguards
- Amice of the Blue damage reduced by 30 percent.
- Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch self-damage has been increased by 33 percent.
- Dreamwalker’s Healing Potion and Potion of Withering Dreams healing increased by 19 percent.
- Haste no longer affects the chance to trigger the following embellishments:
- Allied Chestplate of Generosity
- Allied Legguards of Sansok Khan
- Allied Heartwarming Fur Coat
- Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation
- Azureweave Vestments (2) Set Bonus
- Spore Keeper’s Baton
- Several items from season three Mythic+ dungeons have had their stats and effects updated.
- Equipment that drops in the following activities have had their item levels increased:
- Dragonbane Keep
- World Quests
- Centaur Hunts
- Fyrakk Assaults
- Researchers Under Fire
- Time Rifts
- Dreamsurge
- Repeatable activities will reward Season 3 Explorer Gear and weekly activities will reward season three Adventurer Gear.
- Dilated Time Capsule (Time Rifts weekly currency) has been discontinued and can be sold to vendors for gold. The new weekly currency is Dilated Time Pod.
- Dreamsurge Chrysalis (Dreamsurge weekly currency) has been discontinued and can be sold to vendors for gold. The new weekly currency is Dreamsurge Cocoon.
- At the beginning of season three (November 14 in this region), Keystones will drop 11 levels in addition to any normal weekly reduction that may have occurred. Here’s what that might look like:
- Example one: You completed a +15 the week of November 7-14, but didn’t time it. The resulting key would normally drop by one level, because your highest key wasn’t timed (15 > 14). It will then drop an additional 11 levels due to the season rollover decay (14 > 3).
- Example two: You timed a +15 the week of November 7-14. The resulting key would normally be level 15, because you had timed the 15 last week. But would then drop the additional 11 levels due to season rollover decay (15 > four).
- Pools of Sanguine Ichor are now treated as connected, and moving between connected pools will no longer apply an additional application of Sanguine Ichor.
Pet battles
- New wild pets to collect in the Emerald Dream.
PvP changes

- All Arena map pools now have an additional two maps.
- Pool A: Added Black Rook Hold and Ruins of Lordaeron.
- Pool B: Added Hook Point and The Robodrome.
- Pool C: Added Tol’viron Arena and Dalaran Sewers.
- Bloodlust, Heroism, Time Warp, Primal Rage, and Fury of the Aspects can now be used in Rated Battlegrounds.
- Fixed an issue causing Precognition to trigger if the player is immune to an interrupt while casting.
- New War Mode Gear: Hellbloom Set
- Starter gear (Blue quality) – 473 PvP item level
- Upgraded gear (Purple quality) – 486 PvP item level
- Item appearances for previous seasons’ Scalewarden and Drakebreaker gear can now be purchased for Bloody Tokens off of Warkeeper Gresh, located in Gladiator’s Refuge in Valdrakken.
- Trophies of Strife are now available to purchase off of Malicia, located in Gladiator’s Refuge for 3500 Honor each. These can only be purchased if you have fallen behind the rising seasonal cap.
- The cooldown of Gladiator’s Medallion is now 90 seconds for all healer specializations (was 120 seconds).
- Fang Adornments (Embellishment) damage reduced by 50 percent in PvP combat.
- Prophetic Stonescales health restored, Haste gained, and damage reduction reduced by 75 percent in PvP combat.
- Iridal, the Earth’s Master damage (on use effect) reduced by 75 percent in PvP combat.
- Tainted Rageheart absorb reduced by 50 percent in PvP combat.
- Nimue’s Vengeful Loom on-use effect reduced by 70 percent in PvP combat.
- Augury of the Primal Flame’s effectiveness of Annhilating Flame proc reduced by 60 percent in PvP combat.
- Belor’relos, the Sunstone on-use effect reduced by 75 percent in PvP combat.
- Bandolier of Twisted Blades on-use effect damage reduced by 60 percent in PvP combat.
- Flourishing Dream Helm absorption effects reduced by 50 percent in PvP combat.
- Rashon, the Immortal Blaze damage reduced by 75 percent in PvP combat.
- Gholak, the Final Conflagration damage reduced by 75 percent in PvP combat.
- Thorncaller Claw damage over time effect reduced by 60 percent in PvP combat.
- Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle damage and slow amount reduced by 50 percent in PvP combat. Immobilization does not work against enemy players.
- Ouroboreal Necklet absorption reduced by 70 percent in PvP combat.
- Incandescent Essence enchantment effects reduced by 70 percent in PvP combat.
- Leaf of the Ancient Protectors absorption reduced by 60 percent in PvP combat.
- Ember of Nullification silence duration reduced by 50 percent in PvP combat.
- Caged Horror damage reduced by 60 percent in PvP combat.
- Corrupted Starlight damage reduced by 75 percent in PvP combat.
- Oakheart’s Gnarled Root damage and slow reduced by 50 percent in PvP combat.
- My’das Talisman damage reduced by 55 percent in PvP combat.
- Revitalizing Voodoo Totem heal reduced by 55 percent in PvP combat.
- Vessel of Skittering Shadows damage reduced by 50 percent in PvP combat.
- Balefire Branch intelligence gain reduced by 70 percent in PvP combat.
- The following items have been added to Seltherex, located in Gladiator’s Refuge in Valdrakken:
- Glorious Medal of Honor – Bind on account token that grants 1500 Honor on use. Costs 2500 Honor.
- Honorable Satchel of Fabrics – Provides random low quality profession fabrics. Costs 3000 Honor.
- Honorable Satchel of Ore – Provides random low quality profession ore. Costs 3000 Honor.
- Honorable Satchel of Herbs – Provides random low quality profession herbs. Costs 3000 Honor.
- Undulating Sporecloak shield and healing reduced by 79 percent (was 50 percent), Versatility reduced by 75 percent while above 70 percent health, and healing over time effect reduced by 80 percent.
- Developers’ note: We are making some adjustments to the values of Undulating Sporecloak’s bonuses in Guardians of the Dream. In Fury Incarnate, it provides healing at high health and an absorb shield when you fall to low health. In Guardians of the Dream, to preserve its oscillating fantasy, we made the absorb shield less effective at protecting players who make otherwise fatal mistakes in exchange for rewarding safe gameplay with a Versatility bonus when above 70 percent health. This Versatility, after playtesting, provided more throughput than intended. Today’s number changes to the Guardians of the Dream version keep the cloak as a solid option for players who want more defensiveness, but reduce its throughput value compared to other Embellishments offered by Professions.
Battleground Blitz Brawl
- Arathi Basin and Deepwind Gorge resource acquisition increased to 7/10/15/50/65 for bases held (was 7/10/13/20/80).
- Eye of the Storm resource acquisition increased to 7/15 for bases held (was 5/12).
- Into the Shadows movement Speed increased to 100 percent (was 50 percent).
PvP balance changes
- Fixed an issue that prevented Mastery: Astral Invocation from increasing Star Burst damage.
- Star Burst damage reduced by 25 percent in PvP combat.
- New PvP Talent: Call of the Elder Druid – When you shift into a combat shapeshift form, you gain Heart of the Wild for 15 seconds, once every minute.
- Disentanglement now reduces the mana cost of Efflorescence by 40 percent (was 25 percent).
- Living Flame healing is no longer increased by 12 percent in PvP combat.
- Verdant Embrace healing is no longer increased by 20 percent in PvP combat.
- Survival Tactics has been redesigned – Feign Death reduces damage taken by 90 percent for three seconds.
- Expel Harm damage is now reduced by 50 percent in PvP combat.
- Expel Harm healing is now reduced by 40 percent in PvP combat.
- Enveloping Mist is no longer increased by 15 percent in PvP combat.
- Vivify direct healing is now reduced by 20 percent in PvP combat (was 10 percent).
- Refreshing Breeze has been removed.
- Holy Light is no longer increased by 47 percent in PvP combat.
- Flash of Light is no longer increased by 30 percent in PvP combat.
- Barrier of Faith is now 100 percent more effective in PvP combat.
- Aura Mastery now increases the effectiveness of Devotion Aura to 24 percent in PvP combat (was 30 percent).
- Improved Mass Dispel is now a PvP talent and reduces the cooldown of Mass Dispel by 60 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- Improved Mass Dispel no longer reduces the cast time of Mass Dispel.
- The backlash effects of Vampiric Touch, Stellar Flare, Unstable Affliction, Glimmer of Light, and Flame Shock will now land on Priests during Phase Shift.
- Fixed an issue that caused Howl of Terror and Psychic Scream to not break from Shadow Word: Death’s damage.
- Atonement is now 36 percent more effective in PvP combat (was 89 percent).
- Flash Heal is no longer increased by 30 percent in PvP combat.
- Heal is no longer increased by 57 percent in PvP.
- Focused Will now reduces physical damage taken by 15 percent and magic damage taken by five percent (was all damage by 10 percent) for Shadow Priests.
- Superior Mixture is now 50 percent effective in PvP combat.
- Sudden Demise now has a health threshold of 10 percent (base 35 percent) and bleed damage requirement of 250 percent of remaining health (base 200 percent) in PvP combat.
- Killing Spree damage no longer increased in PvP combat (was increased by five percent).
- Healing Surge no longer increased by 20 percent in PvP combat.
- Healing Wave healing increased by 20 percent in PvP combat (was 56 percent).
- Demon Skin now additionally grants a 45/90 percent armor increase.
- New PvP Talent: Jinx – Casting a curse now applies Corruption and Agony to your target, but curses now cost one Soul Shard.
- Corruption damage is now increased by 25 percent in PvP combat (was 10 percent).
- Agony damage is now increased by 40 percent in PvP combat (was 25 percent).
- Unstable Affliction damage is now increased by 40 percent in PvP combat (was 25 percent).
- Rampant Afflictions now reduces the damage of Unstable Affliction by 50 percent (was 25 percent).
- Oblivion now costs two Soul Shards (was three).
- Rapid Contagion has been removed.
- New PvP Talent – Safeguard: Intervene now has two charges and reduces the ally’s damage taken by 20 percent for five seconds. Intervene’s cooldown is increased by 10 seconds.
- New PvP Talent – Battlefield Commander: Your Shout abilities have additional effects.
- Battle Shout: Increases Stamina by three percent.
- Piercing Howl: Roots targets hit for two seconds.
- Berserker Shout: Range increased by eight yards.
- Intimidating Shout: Cooldown reduced by 15 seconds.
- Rallying Cry: Removes movement impairing effects and grants 30 percent movement speed to allies.
- Thunderous Roar: Targets receive five percent more damage from all sources while bleeding.
- Storm of Destruction has been redesigned – It now reduces the cooldown of Ravager and Bladestorm by 30 percent, and Ravager and Bladestorm now also snare all targets you hit by 70 percent for eight seconds.

- New campaign chapters
- Enter the Dream
- Fyrakk has invaded the Emerald Dream. Meet Merithra and allies within the Dream and discover that Fyrakk has brought reinforcements of his own.
- Druids of the Flame
- Tyrande Whisperwind hunts the leader of the Druids of the Flame to find out why they have allied themselves with Fyrakk.
- The Claws of Vyranoth
- Join Vyranoth as she seeks to learn why Fyrakk wants to control Amirdrassil, and uncovers what became of the Primalists she once was close to.
- Enter the Dream
- Reforging Tyr part four
- Beginning the week of November 21, journey to the Nighthold with Tyr’s Guard in hope of retrieving Tyr’s disc and restoring him. You’ll get Dragon Isles Drakes: White Scales as a reward.
- Misfit Dragons
- Join Wrathion and Vyranoth as they conduct some draconic diplomacy and try to earn the help of the Netherwing and the Thorignir dragons. The misfit dragons questline begins the week of November 14.
Upgrade system

- Hero upgrade track length increased to six (was five).
- Myth upgrade track length increased to four (was three).
- Crests are now currencies and will no longer take up inventory space.
- Fragments have been removed. Sources that previously awarded fragments will now award crests.
- Once a player has purchased all possible upgrades with a type of crest, they can visit Vaskarn in Amirdrassil to exchange those crests for higher level crests.
- For example: Using season two item level numbers, players would become eligible to trade their Whelpling Crests up to Drake Crests when every gear slot had reached item level 411 or higher. Trading up to Wyrm Crests would become available at 424 (again, in every gear slot, using the same rules as crest redundancy), and trading up to Aspect Crests would open at 437.
- PvP gear can now have its PVE item level upgraded with flightstones and crests (was Honor). The PvP item level will remain unchanged.
- All PvP activities will reward flightstones, and crests can be earned from rated activities.
- Players can earn 90 crests of each type per week, which is enough to afford 6 upgrades of each crest type per week (was 10 upgrades).
Great Vault

- The “Mythic Dungeons” row has been renamed to “Dungeons”.
- Heroic, Mythic 0, and Timewalking dungeon runs now unlock rewards in the Dungeons row. These draw from the same rewards pool as Mythic+, with lower item levels. Timewalking dungeon runs count as Heroic.
User interface and accessibility
- Talents UI
- We’ve reworked the user experience to make reallocating talent points easier. You can now remove a point and spend it elsewhere without a large part of your build disappearing. Disconnected talents are simply marked in red, and can be reconnected to make the build valid again.
- To perform the old behavior of mass unlearning all dependent talents, press Shift + Right Click.
- Ping system
- Added a option to add shortcut to Chat Settings so you can more easily control which chat windows display pings.
- Trading Post
- You can now click the frozen item slot to select and purchase it, instead of having to locate it in the list.
- A refund icon has been added to indicate items that are refundable. Hover over the icon to view the time remaining for a refund.
- Edit mode
- The Micromenu can now be resized to be smaller than default (previously it could only be made larger).
- Options
- To improve readability in the Quest pane, you can now choose between different background parchment colors.
- Accessibility now has a new Mounts section, which includes settings to better control dragonriding using the keyboard.
- Pitch Control – Players can now set their Move Forward and Move Backward keys to control pitch while dragonriding.
- Set the sensitivity of these keybinds and their debouncing behavior when transitioning between dragonriding and grounded.
- Existing dragonriding accessibility options have been moved to the Mounts section.
- Added a tooltip to the magnifying glass on the World Map.
- Updated the art on Zoom In and Out buttons in various model viewer windows.
- Action bar spell swipe animation has been updated.
- Added new class resource bars for several classes:
- Demon Hunter
- Balance Druid
- Brewmaster Monk
- Shadow Priest
- Elemental Shaman
- In the Auction House, items with long names will always have their crafted quality icon shown instead of being cut off.
- A new celebratory popup will appear when you unlock a Great Vault slot or upgrade the reward of a slot.
- In the Reputation pane, Major Factions are now grouped together at the top of the list.
- Players can now enter the Barber Shop while shapeshifted or transformed by a toy.
- The Premade Group Finder now shows the applicant’s specialization in the tooltip.
- The “Remove Recruit” option has been removed from the right-click menu in the Recruit a Friend pane.
- Macros
- The macro options that check party state will not change during combat, even if actual party state changes.
- Macros can no longer change equipment using /script, /run, or the Lua API. Equipment can still be changed using regular macro commands such as /equip.
- Dragon Isles Pathfinder will now properly unlock flying in the Dragon Isles.
- Requirements:
- Waking Hope – Complete the Waking Shores storyline.
- Ohn’a’roll – Complete the Ohn’ahran Plains storyline.
- Azure Spanner – Complete the Azure Span storyline.
- Just Don’t Ask Me to Spell It – Complete the Thaldraszus storyline.
- Embers of Neltharion – Complete the Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Cavern storylines.
- Explore Zaralek Cavern – Explore Zaralek Cavern, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
- Explore the Emerald Dream – Explore the Emerald Dream, revealing the covered areas of the world map.

- New customization options for Druids’ Moonkin Form.
- Four new hair colors for Blood Elves.
Published: Nov 7, 2023 1:34 PM UTC