The final content patch of World of Warcraft Dragonflight, Patch 10.2.7, is coming later today, and with it, a hefty amount of balance updates are hitting the live servers.
Some of the biggest changes coming to Dragonflight in its final update include changes to multiple tank specs, including nerfs to Vengeance Demon Hunter and Brewmaster Monk, as well as some much-needed buffs to Protection Warrior.
These balance changes are likely just the tip of the iceberg for the final patch of Dragonflight and Blizzard will continue to monitor the state of each class as we approach the game’s next expansion, The War Within.
Here are all of the PvE balance updates coming alongside the launch of WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7 later today, May 7.
All class tuning updates for WoW Patch 10.2.7 launch day

Vengeance (Tank) Demon Hunter
- Sigil of Silence duration decreased by one second, and cooldown increased by 30 seconds
- Cycle of Binding reduces Sigil cooldowns by one less second
- Soul Cleave damage nerfed by eight percent
Balance Druid
- Season Four tier set bonus now increases the damage of Wrath or Starfire by an extra 20 percent.
- Season Four tier set bonus reduces Astral Power cost of Starsurge or Starfall by an extra 15, plus increases damage by an extra 20 percent.
Brewmaster Monk
- Damage of Keg Smash and Spinning Crane Kick each reduced by 10 percent
- White Tiger Statue now deals 30 percent less damage (Brewmaster only)
- Healing done by Healing Sphere increased by 10 percent
- Stagger effectiveness against magic increased by 10 percent.
- Damage of Soul Rot (five percent), Doom Blossom (10 percent), Soul Flame (20 percent), and Vile Taint (25 percent) all increased.
- Chaos Bolt damage increased by three percent
- Conflagrate and Incinerate damage each increased by five percent
Assassination Rogue
- All damage increased by six percent
- Season four tier set bonus will further increase damage of Rampage and Bloodthirst
- Damage from all abilities increased by three percent
- Damage from Devastator increased by 30 percent
- Cooldown of Disrupting Shout reduced by 15 seconds
- Healing from Ignore Pain increased by six percent
- Battering Ram auto-attack enhancers reduced by 10 percent
- Enduring Alacrity Stamina and Armor bonuses doubled
- All damage from abilities increased by three percent
Biggest takeaways from the WoW Patch 10.2.7 May 7 balance changes

The biggest changes in terms of sheer volume obviously come to Protection Warriors, who are receiving a slew of balance updates in Patch 10.2.7. In addition to Prot Warriors getting a ton of their damage-dealing abilities buffed, the spec will also look to become more durable in the new patch. “Our goal for these changes is to reduce Protection Warrior deaths to the dangers that are most likely to kill them, like burst or magic damage,” Blizzard said in its dev update.
We’re also predicting that Destruction Warlocks will see increased viability in Patch 10.2.7 thanks to some relatively sizable buffs. Although the numbers that Destruction Warlocks were touched up with are all single-digit percentage increases, we still have hope that with all three of their core abilities—Conflagrate, Incinerate, and Chaos Bolt—getting buffed, it should spell success for the spec moving forward.
These balance changes will go live when WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7 launches later today.
Published: May 7, 2024 5:28 PM UTC