Blizzard Entertainment recently shared details about the first major patch of World of Warcraft Dragonflight—Embers of Neltharion. Looking at the patch as a whole, it’s safe to say this is one of the biggest content updates in the history of WoW as it will introduce new zone, raid, open-world event, new Renown, new season, new Dragonriding drake, and user interface changes.
Aside from that, Patch 10.1 will introduce major storylines and Blizzard is trying more than usual to keep things on the hush-hush to avoid spoiling the surprise. Thankfully, the PTR testing has started and we already know what Blizzard’s been cooking behind the curtains for us.
Be warned, these leaks are coming from the PTR and you’ll most likely encounter story spoilers. Now that is out of the way, here are all Dragonflight Patch 10.1 leaks that include new transmogs, mounts, appearances, and other upcoming changes that haven’t been officially revealed.
When is WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1 coming out?

Patch 10.1 will release on May 2 and the new raid and Dragonflight season will start on May 9, according to Blizzard.
This means that starting May 2, you’ll see all balancing and profession changes go live and you can venture to the new zone Zaralek Caverns beneath the Dragon Isles to continue the Dragonflight campaign. On the other hand, May 9 marks the beginning of new PvE and PvP season, new Mythic+ dungeon rotation and affixes, and matching new titles and rewards.
WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1 leaks class changes, new transmogs, mounts, and appearances

Just like any other WoW patch, Patch 10.1 will introduce class balancing changes to spruce up the meta and make it more balanced. Here, we won’t tackle the official changes and you can read about that in our early Patch 10.1 patch notes that are updated with each PTR cycle. Instead, we’ll dive deep into what’s been Blizzard hiding away from us.
Right now, we have intel that Dracthy Evokers might be getting more specializations in Patch 10.1, and Neltharion is getting a new model. Aside from that, there are plenty of new creatures and mobs to unpack, as well as new transmogs, mounts, toys, and achievements.
Dracthyr Evoker might be getting a new specialization

According to Wowhead, Dracthyr Evokers might be getting a new specialization. Wowhead’s dataminers have found Dracthyr Evokers have their own special questline in Patch 10.1—Adamanthia. The first quest, Our Destiny, reads:
“Evokers only. Upon login you are toasted with NEW SPECIALIZATION REMEMBERED toast. This quest appears in your mailbox sent by Emberthal asking you to go to the Forbidden Reach. The mystery that was uncovered in 10.0.7 (not required for this quest) is about to unfold and she needs your help to talk Ebyssian down from a course of action she sees as folly.”
The other two quests mention Evokers boosting their allies. While Evokers can heal their group, this doesn’t imply they can boost their damage numbers in any way. This might hint at Evokers getting a new support specialization.
Neltharion might be getting a makeover

In Patch 10.1, Neltharion, better known as Deathwing, is getting a model update. According to Wowhead, this only refers to his humanoid form and this model might be used in the Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid as we fight the Echo of Neltharion.
Fyrakk the Blazing is next in line for a new model
Fyrakk the Blazing is one of three Raszageth’s cousins that was released after the foul ritual in Vault of the Incarnates was completed. Fyrakk the Blazing and his other two cousins managed to escape and are now wreaking havoc on the lands of the Dragon Isles. One of the Primal Incarnates will be the star of the open-world event—Fyrakk and Blizzard is treating him to a new model.
The Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid will feature rare items and weapons

Just like Vault of the Incarnates, Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible will have special rare items. There will be three class trinkets that drop off Neltharion:
- Idol of Chaotic Arrogance: Your area effect spells and abilities have a chance to grant you 3,524 Primary stat for 12 seconds. During this time damage you receive is increased by five percent.
- Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Mage, Demon Hunter, and Evoker
- Stats: 537 Critical Strike
- Idol of Debilitating Arrogance: Your harmful debuffs, periodic spells, and abilities have a chance to grant you 3,524 Primary stat for 12 seconds. During this time you Bleed for 62,571 Nature damage over 12 seconds.
- Classes: Rogue, Priest, Death Knight, and Druid
- Stats: 537 Versatility
- Idol of Domineering Arrogance: Your summons’ attacks have a chance to grant you 5,776 Primary stat for 12 seconds. During this time you are slowed by 10 percent.
- Classes: Hunter, Shaman, Warlock, and Monk
- Stats: 537 Haste
On top of that, the first raid boss, Kazzara can drop yet another trinket, the fifth boss of the raid—Rashok can drop two-handed Agility staff, and Scalecommander Sarkareth can drop a cloak:
- Seething Black Dragonscale (trinket): Your attacks and abilities have a chance to grant you ephemeral dragon wings, increasing your Critical Strike by 1,037 and your Leech by 293 for 15 seconds. Use: Call upon an echo of Neltharion’s power to crash to the ground below you, dealing 24,477 Shadowflame damage to nearby enemies if you have traveled at least 15 yards. (Three Min Cooldown)
- Two-hand Agility staff
- Voice of the Silent Star
Other than those must-have trinkets in Dragonflight season two, Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible will drop special effects weapons, namely Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood. Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood is the third iteration of iconic Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood and this iteration of the sword will give your auto-attacks a chance to proc, dealing 22710 Shadowflame damage. Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible will also feature strong polearm weapons, but the special effects are currently not introduced.
New profession recipes will drop in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Bosses in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible will, aside from regular loot, drop new profession recipes that will definitely play a huge role in your gearing process in Patch 10.1. Here’s the full list of obtainable profession recipes from Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible:
Boss | Recipe | Crafted item |
Kazzara, the Hellforged | Plans: Shadowed Impact Buckler | Shadowed Impact Buckler |
Molgoth | Recipe: Draconic Phial Cauldron | Draconic Phial Cauldron |
The Forgotten Experiments | Pattern: Undulating Sporecloak | Undulating Sporecloak |
Rashok, the Elder | Plans: Shadowed Razing Annihilator | Shadowed Razing Annihilator |
Assault of the Zaqali | Satchel of Pilfered Recipes | Unknown |
The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn | Schematic: Tinker: Shadowflame Rockets | Tinker: Shadowflame Rockets |
Magmorax | Formula: Enchant Weapon – Shadowflame Wreathe | Unknown Enchant |
Echo of Neltharion | Pattern: Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch | Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch |
New creatures dwelling in Zaralek Cavern
Season two Mythic+ dungeon timers and rewards revealed
On March 13, Wowhead discovered timers for Mythic+ dungeons in season two. Season two, which will feature four Legacy dungeons and four Dragonflight dungeons, will have Mythic+ dungeons that will take longer to clear, namely Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr, and dungeons that should fall into that 30-minute mark like Vortex Pinnavle and Neltharion’s Lair.
Here’s the datamined list of season two Mythic+ dungeon timers:
Dungeon | Timer |
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr | 40:00 |
Neltharus | 35:00 |
Brackenhide Hollow | 36:00 |
Halls of infusion | 38:00 |
Vortex Pinnacle | 30:00 |
Freehold | 33:00 |
Underrot | 33:00 |
Neltharion’s Lair | 33:00 |
Here are the rewards and their item levels in Dragonflight season two:
Keystone | End of dungeon item level | Great Vault item level (Increase from season one) |
Two | 402 | 415(+7) |
Three | 405 | 418(+7) |
Four | 405 | 421(+10) |
Five | 408 | 421(+6) |
Six | 408 | 424(+9) |
Seven | 411 | 424(+6) |
Eight | 411 | 428(+7) |
Nine | 415 | 428(+7) |
10 | 415 | 431(+7) |
11 | 418 | 431(+3) |
12 | 418 | 434(+3) |
13 | 421 | 434(+0) |
14 | 421 | 437(+3) |
15 | 424 | 437(+0) |
16 | 424 | 441(+0) |
17 | 428 | 441(+0) |
18 | 428 | 444(+0) |
19 | 431 | 444(+0) |
20 | 431 | 447(+0) |
Heirlooms are getting more upgrades
Finally, Blizzard has heard our prayers and leveling in Dragonflight will be slightly better than it used to be in the previous expansion. On March 12, Wowhead found that heirlooms will be upgradeable to level 70 in Patch 10.1. This will allow players to use heirlooms through the Dragon Isles. Awakened Heirloom Armor Casing and Awakened Heirloom Scabbard can be bought from the same vendors who are selling upgrades now. So, you should be able to buy these upgrades from holiday vendors as well as regular heirloom vendors in capital cities.
Sparks of Ingenuity and Primal Chaos are becoming obsolete in Patch 10.1
Starting Patch 10.1, Sparks of Ingenuity and Primal Chaos will be retired from crafting high-end gear. While Primal Chaos is getting removed entirely, Sparks of Ingenuity will serve to create a new Optional Reagent—Spark of Shadowflame. This, when paired with Enchanted Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest, can create 447 item level gear.
Alchemists are getting portable Altar of Decay
Altar of Decay is a special crafting station in Dragonflight located in the Azure Span, in Brackenhide Hollow. In Patches 10.0, 10.0.5, and 10.0.7, you’d normally need to head out there to use Altar of Decay. But in Patch 10.1, Alchemists will be able to learn Cauldron of Extracted Putrescence which makes your own Altar of Decay and saves you the trip to the Azure Span. The altar will last for 10 minutes and you should be able to use it for all crafting you normally do in Brackenhide Hollow.
New transmogs, weapons, and mounts
New weapons
New transmogs and tier sets
New customizations
New mounts
Holiday updates
New achievements and titles
New pets
From new snail mounts to new models of Neltharion, Patch 10.1 has a lot to unpack. This is just the beginning and we can safely promise you there’s a lot more to come.
Published: Apr 17, 2023 7:00 AM UTC