World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery players have been impatiently waiting for the release of phase two. There has been little news about the next phase—until now.
On Jan. 21, Nora Valletta, a lead software engineer on WoW Classic, confirmed Blizzard will soon share more details on phase two. In a post on X (previously known as Twitter), Nora promised a sneak peek into the new Gnomeregan raid, an update on the Stranglethorn Vale PvP event, and battleground matchmaking news.

So far, only a couple of Season of Discovery features have been confirmed for the next phase: Gnomeregan as a 10-man raid, Stranglethorn Vale as the big PvP zone (just like Ashenvale in phase one), and the level cap being 40. Battleground matchmaking changes haven’t been announced, but I assume the devs will look to tweak the queues.
Warsong Gulch is plagued by premade groups who stomp casual players. This makes instance PvP completely one-sided, with premades easily snagging the win with superior coordination, team composition, and consumables.
Season of Discovery phase two is set to release on Feb. 8. Once it goes live, players can find more Runes (new abilities), increase their level to 40, and ride mounts across Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. Unfortunately, the complete list of Runes or any significant details won’t be available to players ahead of the time (excluding the info Blizzard promised to share soon), and Season of Discovery won’t be available for testing on the PTR.
Published: Jan 22, 2024 12:05 PM UTC