Blizzard Entertainment dropped yet another round of PTR development notes on April 18 and World of Warcraft players have a lot to unpack—more balancing changes, tweaks to combat, and last-minute adjustments to Mythic+ dungeons for Dragonflight season two. While most Mythic+ adjustments are just tuning down critical boss abilities, one Mythic+ dungeon received a major overhaul.
With only three weeks left before Dragonflight season two starts, Blizzard is fixing up Mythic+ dungeons to be in a pristine state. While Brackenhide Hollow, Halls of Infusion, Uldaman, and Underrot were only slightly tweaked, with bosses getting a handful of nerfs to their abilities, Freehold got a hefty makeover.
When you enter Freehold for the first time after Battle for Azeroth, you might not even recognize the dungeon as WoW devs adjusted all four bosses. The first boss of the dungeon, Skycap’n Kragg, received only two changes to their Azerite Powder Shot. On the other hand, Council o’ Captains fight will look far different since the devs shipped five adjustments in total.
The Ring of Booty boss encounter only got their numbers modified slightly and Trothak’s Sharknado has been visually updated. Finally, Harlan Sweet was lucky enough to earn a new ability called Whirling Dagger and get his Swiftwind Saber ability redesigned to be more up to modern standards of Mythic+ dungeons. Aside from that, Blizzard has brushed up Irontide Grenadier’s Black Powder Bomb. The full list of changes can be found in our early 10.1 Patch notes.
Since season two is already knocking on our doors and there are only three weeks left before players will get back to the grind, it’s surprising to see Blizzard ship such major changes so late in PTR testing. But, WoW players are resilient and new strategies for this dungeon will surface in no time.
Patch 10.1 is releasing on May 2 and Dragonflight season two officially starts on May 9. The new patch will bring new zone Zaralek Caverns and fresh campaign quests, while season two is introducing new Mythic+ affixes, dungeon rotation, and seasonal rewards.
Published: Apr 19, 2023 11:48 AM UTC