Honoring a Hero is a time-sensitive quest that’s only available during the currently ongoing Harvest Festival event in World of Warcraft. This in-game event is a time of celebration and reflection in WoW as players can honor their ancestors and legends of their respective factions.
The Honoring a Hero quest is available on retail WoW Dragonflight servers as well as Wrath of the Lich King Classic servers. But if you’re in need of assistance regarding how to do it, you’re probably coming from retail WoW, considering there are a few more hoops you need to jump through to get it done in the modern version of the game.
Honoring a Hero is needed for the September edition of the WoW Dragonflight traveler’s log, and as long as you’ve knocked out the prerequisites, you can get some easy travel points. Keep in mind there are two versions of Honoring a Hero—one for Alliance players and one for Horde players.
Here’s how members of both factions can complete Honoring a Hero during the World of Warcraft Harvest Festival.
How to complete Honoring a Hero as a Horde character in WoW

Horde players can start Honoring a Hero by speaking to Javnir Nashak outside of Orgrimmar. There’s a decent chance that Javnir won’t be present when you go to track him down on the road leading out of Orgrimmar, so if you don’t see him, you’ll need to complete a few extra steps for him to show up.
If you cannot see Javnir Nashak, you must speak to Archivist Elysiana in Dalaran’s Violet Citadel on the Broken Isles. After speaking with Elysiana and completing the quest chain that she gives you—which includes the entirety of the introduction to the Legion expansion up until the quest “Fate of the Horde”—you’ll be able to head back to the area outside Orgrimmar (now that the Legion-specific troops have cleared out) and speak to Javnir Nashak.
If you’ve already completed the Broken Shore quest line on your Horde character, you won’t need to follow the steps listed above as Javnir should be there waiting for you.
Once you’ve accepted Honoring a Hero, go to Demon Fall Canyon in Ashenvale at coordinates [83, 79]. There, use the item “Grom’s Tribute” that Javnir gave to you to earn credit for completing the quest.
How to complete Honoring a Hero as Alliance in WoW

Alliance players have a much easier road when it comes to completing Honoring a Hero. If you’re a member of the Alliance, simply head outside of Ironforge near the main gate that leads out toward Dun Morogh. In that area, speak with Wagner Hammerstrike, who will give you the quest.
The Alliance version of the quest requires you to honor the tomb of Uther the Lightbringer in the Western Plaguelands. Uther’s monument can be found at coordinates [52, 82] in that zone, and after you’ve honored it with the “Uther’s Tribute” item, you can head back to Wagner outside of Ironforge and complete the quest.
The WoW Harvest Festival will be available in-game until Oct. 2.
Published: Sep 26, 2023 7:47 PM UTC