There isn’t a single World of Warcraft player that has gotten all items and cosmetics they wanted during a single expansion. But you can always go back thanks to Looking-for-Raid and farm until your little heart is finally content. WoW Patch 10.1.5 gave players the option to queue for Shadowlands raids and grab all the collectibles missing from their collections.
Normally, when a new WoW expansion releases, you can still clear old raids but only on Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties. LFR is a special, queued raid difficulty that becomes unavailable after a time.
So, here’s how you can travel back in time and defeat Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones on the LFR raid difficulty.
How to queue for Shadowlands LFR

To queue for Shadowlands LFR, you need to go back to the city no one likes—Oribos. To get there, you can use a portal from the portal room in your capital cities. Once you arrive in the land of the dead, head to the Enclave and find Ta’elfar, Trader of Histories. The NPC should be in the middle of the enclave, near Bolvar and Tal-Inara at the 41, 70 coordinates.
When you talk to them, a dialogue window will pop up and you can select any raid wing of any raid in Shadowlands you’d like to run. If you didn’t play much this expansion, here’s the list of all Shadowlands raids, raid wing names, and bosses found in each wing:
Related: Can you solo Shadowlands raids in Dragonflight? Answered
Name of the raid | Wing name | Bosses in this wing |
Castle Nathria | The Leeching Vaults | Hunstman Altimor Hungering Destoryer Lady Inerva Darkvein |
Reliquary of Opulence | Artificer Xy’Mox Sun King’s Salvation Council of Blood | |
Bood from Stone | Shriekwing Sludgefist Stone Legion Generals | |
An Audience with Arrogance | Sire Denathrius | |
Sanctum of Domination | Jailer’s Vanguard | The Tarragrue The Nine The Eye of the Jailer |
The Dark Bastille | Remnant of Ner’zhul Painsmith Raznal Soulrender Dormazain | |
Shackles of Fate | Guardian of the First Ones Fatescribe Roh-Kalo Kel’Thuzad | |
Reckoning | Sylvanas Windrunner | |
Sepulcher of the First Ones | Ephemeral Plains | Vigilant Guardian Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener Artificer Xy’mox Halondrus the Reclaimer |
Cornerstone of Creation | Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle Prototype Pantheon Lihuvim, Principal Architect | |
Domination’s Grasp | Anduin Wrynn Lords of Dread Rygelon | |
The Grand Design | The Jailer |
Related: How to start the Shadowlands questline and get to Oribos in World of Warcraft
Published: Aug 2, 2023 12:30 PM UTC