Transmog items are among the most coveted pieces of loot that players can farm endlessly in World of Warcraft. Just like mounts, pieces of transmog can have extremely low drop rates that make them extremely desirable for large contingents of the player base.
Perhaps the most infamous piece of transmog available in WoW is the Tusks of Mannoroth, an epic piece of shoulder armor that is a one-to-one direct model of the shoulder guard worn by former Horde Warchief Garrosh Hellscream.Â
The Tusks of Mannoroth are a piece of plate armor that feature the tusks of the demon lord Mannoroth, the entity who cursed countless orcs after he coerced them to drink his blood. Eventually, the Orcs defeated Mannoroth, and his armor was pinned high above Orgrimmar as a trophy and rallying symbol. Garrosh took some of the armor for himself, and if you farm hard enough, your character can have it too.Â
Here’s how to get the Tusks of Mannoroth in WoW.Â
What is the Tusks of Mannoroth drop chance?Â

The Tusks of Mannoroth, as one would expect, drop off of Garrosh Hellscream in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid on Mythic difficulty. Although the raid has 14 bosses and is one of the longest in WoW history, you can skip to Garrosh’s boss room by interacting with a scroll right at the very beginning of the raid. This skip is only available once you’ve fully cleared the raid at least once.Â
Related: How to get to Siege of Orgrimmar and skip to Garrosh in WoW
Since the Tusks of Mannoroth are a plate item, they can only be added to your transmog collection if you’re playing as a plate character. With that in mind, farming the raid on a cloth, leather, or mail armor-wearing character is risky because if the Tusks of Mannoroth drop for one of those characters, you won’t be able to add the armor to your transmog collection. We recommend playing it safe and only farm the raid on your plate characters—you don’t want to be the person who gets the Tusks while completing the raid on your Mage and has to end up disenchanting or vendoring them.Â
The drop rate for the Tusks of Mannoroth is about less than one percent, according to WoW database Wowhead. A drop rate like that is astronomically low for a piece of armor, which is part of the reason why it’s so coveted among members of the WoW community.Â
Published: Aug 18, 2023 11:11 am