World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic phase three has officially hit live servers, bringing tons of new content to the icy continent of Northrend. Among the various content updates will be the re-introduction of the robotic butler, Jeeves.
For those who played the original Wrath of the Lich King, you may remember Jeeves as a mechanical gnome butler with various benefits. The companion works as a bank vault solely for the user, but also can buy, sell, and repair gear for anyone in your party or the surrounding area.
Related: WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 3 patch notes
Similar to other mounts, such as the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth, Jeeves can help you dungeon or raid party repair any damage equipment after repeated wipes and perform other useful tasks. Though only skilled engineers can actually create Jeeves, anyone is capable of finding the schematic. Below is everything you need to know about finding Jeeves in World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
WoW WoTLK Classic Jeeves Schematic location
In order to create Jeeves, you must meet one major prerequisite first. Though anyone can use Jeeves’ main functions, only an engineer can craft the mechanical gnome servant. To craft Jeeves, you will need to level up your engineering profession to 450.

The best way to find the Jeeves Schematic is to scrape corpses from mechanical enemies at either the Halls of Stone, Halls of Lightning, or Ulduar. Each of these instances contain plenty of enemies that engineers can scrape for parts and potentially Jeeves’ schematics. Note that this item has a remarkably low drop percentage, so do not be discourage if you find yourself scraping for a few weeks.

Once you have the Jeeves schematic, you will then need to gather the remaining materials to create your robotic butler. The necessary reagents include the following:
- x2 Field Repair Bot
- x10 Field Repair bot 100G
- x20 Scrapebot Construction Kit
- x8 Titansteel Bar
- x2 King’s Amber
- x30 Handful of Cobalt Bolts
Items such as the Cobalt Bolts and King’s Amber can be found for sale in Dalaran’s commerce exchange, or by drops in the Halls of Lightning or Stone or in Ulduar. The rest will need to be crafted by either high level engineers or blacksmiths.
Once you have acquired all the necessary items however, you can finally unlock your companion.
Published: Jun 20, 2023 11:03 PM UTC