World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery gives more room for players to explore their class and specs. Due to the upgraded level of choice you have, you might feel inclined to respec your class more often.
As you level up in Season of Discovery, you will earn Skill Points as you would normally in World of Warcraft Classic. If you either want to switch around your selected skills or completely change specializations, then you can visit a class trainer to respec. This costs coin to do, and respeccing often can easily rack up a big tab.
If you are trying to respec in Season of Discovery, here’s how much you can expect to pay.
Respec Cost in WoW Classic SoD

Your first respec in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery costs you exactly 10 silver. You can respec at any class trainer you find throughout Azeroth, whether it be at Tarren Mill or Orgrimmar.
The price to respec will continue to rise with each continous respec, reaching the maximum price the fifth time you respec. Coin, especially in phase one of Season of Discovery, is fairly hard to come by. Given that most mobs are low level and drop only several silver at a maximum, getting the funds to respec can be a challenge.
Below are all the price points for respeccing in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery.
- First Time – 10 Silver
- Second Time – 20 Silver
- Third Time – 30 Silver
- Fourth Time – 40 Silver
- Fifth Time and beyond – one gold
Retail World of Warcraft has made the respeccing process much easier and free for players to experiment with their class without a price. World of Warcraft Classic is unlikely to drop this older version of respeccing, so be sure to always keep some coin on you if you are prone to changing your mind.
Published: Dec 5, 2023 11:30 PM UTC