Everyone likes a wide display, and for the NYT Mini Crossword for July 23, knowing a name for “Wide display” is pivotal for one of the main clues.
There’s no beating about the bush, this clue is tricky. I struggled, and you struggled too—that’s why you’re here. So, we won’t mess around, and we’ll get straight into the “Wide display” clue for the July 23 NYT Mini Crossword word game.
‘Wide display’ four across crossword solution and hints

- Hint 1: It repeats two letters twice.
- Hint 2: One is a constant, one is a vowel.
- Hint 3: Large antenna.
- Hint 4: It ends with “Y.”
I’ve given you an array of clues, so if you still don’t have it, here’s the final solution.
I actually just gave you the answer, the word you are looking for with four down in the NYT Mini is “ARRAY.”
Array is a versatile word that means many different things: a selection of or several, a giant satellite, or in this case, I believe it’s a monitor array, when your display consists of multiple monitors joined at the hip to widen the display—ergo, a wide display.
All July 23 NYT Mini Crossword answers
- 1A Food that fills both blanks of “___ce of ___” — PIE
- 4A Wide display — ARRAY
- 6A Quintessentially boring color — BEIGE
- 7A Founder of Amazon — BEZOS
- 8A Type of beer — ALE
- 1D Game show contestant’s hope — PRIZE
- 2D “Othello” villain — IAGO
- 3D They’re never open 24/7 — EYES
- 4D “Mamma Mia!” group — ABBA
- 5D Film spool — REEL
‘Wide display’ July 23 NYT clue difficulty
Wide display is a very deceptive clue that has the natural inclination to take you in one firm direction—a TV or something similar. A monitor array is quite a technical term, and unless you’re firmly invested in gaming hardware or run a shopfront with a similar setup, knowing it’s an “array” might be tricky. A solid four out of five for difficulty feels right.
How to play more crosswords and puzzles like NYT Mini, explained
It’s that time for me to encourage you to broaden your horizons and seek out additional daily challenges. The NYT Mini Crossword daily puzzle isn’t the only mental anguish you can put yourself through, as other puzzles exist: LA Times, Washington Post, Strands, and Spelling Bee.
Published: Jul 23, 2024 05:01 am