Fueling the Teamfight Tactics Set 10 meta, the Sentinel trait provides the support every great band or composition needs to succeed in Remix Rumble.
Every TFT set has a handful of champions that are good units despite the synergies they have. Set 10 has several of those units within the Sentinel trait, a Class trait that grants armor and magic resistance to the entire team. Each of the six Sentinel units is an auto-grab from the shop because, most of the time, at least two Sentinel champions are going to end up in an end-game TFT Set 10 comp.
Sentinel TFT Sentinel champions and Headliner bonus

Each of the six Sentinel units is great as a flex Headliner and most can work as a Headliner for a majority of the stages throughout a game.
- K’Sante (Heartsteel, Sentinel): Headliner grants bonus health.
- Lillia (K/DA, Superfan, Sentinel): Headliner grants bonus health and healing.
- Garen (8-bit, Sentinel): Headliner grants bonus health.
- Mordekaiser (Pentakill, Sentinel): Headliner grants bonus health and ability power.
- Ekko (True Damage, Spellweaver, Sentinel): Headliner grants bonus health and ability power.
- Blitzcrank (Disco, Sentinel): Headliner grants bonus health, along with magic damage.
The Sentinel trait grants armor and magic resistance to your entire team, while the Sentinel units gain double. Running two is a given in most comps and flexible players will take advantage of running four during the final stages to squeak out a higher placement.
K’Sante is a good early grab that can help you activate Heartsteel while Lillia is a sure pick, slotting into multiple end-game comps like Miss Fortune Jazz and Annie reroll. When playing flex, Garen is a solid mid-game Headliner to run. Morderkaiser is a must in Pentakill vertical comps and Blitzcrank can slot in over a Garen or K’Sante during the late-game stages.
Ekko is perhaps the most flexible of all the Sentinel TFT Set 10 champions. Both Miss Fortune and Annie reroll end-game comps run Ekko as a Sentinel and Spellweaver. And Ekko works great in a vertical True Damage build as well.
Published: Nov 29, 2023 11:19 PM UTC