Riot Games has officially launched Teamfight Tactics Set 12 on the PBE servers. Testing for TFT Set 12 will run from July 16 to 31, balancing everything about the Magic n’ Mayhem set before it drops into the live servers.
New TFT PBE patch notes may occur daily and will be updated as they drop, so bookmark this page to stay on top of all changes.
TFT Set 12 PBE patch notes for July 25
As expected, the July 25 TFT Set 12 PBE patch notes were extremely small. The only balance change applied was to the Augment Fortune Favors the Bold.
- Rewards trigger on both ties and wins.
- The six to 10 loss rewards were nerfed by 10 to 18 percent.
- The 12-plus loss rewards were buffed by five to eight percent.
The next slate of balance changes isn’t expected until the official Set 12 patch notes. Be on the lookout for early Patch 14.15 notes if Mortdog does a Patch Rundown.
TFT Set 12 PBE patch notes for July 24

The July 24 PBE patch is the final update before the live launch, excluding final adjustments and bug fixes, according to game designer Keaton Gill.
TFT Set 12 PBE patch notes for July 23

The July 23 update is the last before the main branch cut patch, with a smaller update most likely getting dropped before the last weekend of TFT Set 12 PBE testing. Multiple champions were hit with buffs and nerfs. Nilah’s attack speed was reduced from 75 to 60 percent when shredded, while Karma had her ability damage buffed and her ability duration reduced.
Trait buffs were applied to Honeymancy, Hunter, Warrior, and Portal. Over a handful of Augments were nerfed slightly and adjustments were applied to Charms like Sinister Shop and Desperate Plea.
TFT Set 12 PBE patch notes for July 22

The balance changes applied on July 22 were based on data from over the weekend, according to game designer Keaton Gill. More changes are slated to drop on July 23 and the major batch adjustments will drop onto the PBE on July 24.
The only champions adjusted were Syndra, Taric, and Morgana. Set 12 Augments were the focus of the July 22 PBE update, along with a handful of Charms.
TFT Set 12 PBE patch notes for July 19

The June 19 PBE patch notes for Set 12 are likely the last update of the week as we head into the first weekend of testing. Big changes were made to TFT champions Briar, Camile, Diana, and Smolder—with the three-star champions now having new effects.
Diana continued to get hit with the nerf button by the TFT balance team, reducing her self-healing and Snowfall team healing. Swain had multiple balance levers pulled, from ability damage to health gained. Gods in Eldritch were adjusted again, along with Portal junk items. And a tracker was added above the shop to see how many refreshes you have until the next Charm shows up.
TFT Set 12 PBE patch notes for July 18

Set 12 champions and traits were the focus of the June 18 PBE patch for Magic n’ Mayhem. Balance nerfs were applied to champions like Shyvana, reducing her stun. Minor tweaks were made to Veigar and Nilah’s spells. Akali received a big attack damage buff. And Smolder had his ability extended to six seconds while also getting a mana buff.
On the trait side, Frost statues had their health reduced. Multiple Junk items from the Portal trait were balanced. The Warrior trait was slightly buffed through Omnivamp and damage amplification. And trait Augments like Honeymancy, Pyro, and Eldritch were nerfed.
TFT Set 12 PBE patch notes for July 17

Less than 24 hours into PBE testing, a medium-sized TFT Set 12 patch dropped. On the systems end of things, Riot devs adjusted the PvE creatures from health to resistances for the launch of Magic n’ Mayhem onto the PBE servers. Murkwolves were adjusted on June 17 after Mortdog allegedly lost to Wolves, according to Riot Kent.
Set 12 trait changes included buffs to Xerath’s Arcana ability and Hunter attack damage. On the nerf list were the Pyro and Multistriker traits. Faeries also took a small hit through Crown damage stats and the Royal Guard Augment, in which healing was reduced.
A handful of Charms were adjusted, which isn’t bad considering there are over 100 Charms in Magic n’ Mayhem. Set 12 champions like Diana were hit hard with nerfs after a bug was resolved that has her snowfall cast properly. Shen also took a hard nerf on his ability damage. And for Kalista Reroll stans, her maximum mana was increased by 10.
How often is TFT Set 12 PBE updated with patch notes?

Testing during the two weeks before a TFT set goes live is intensive. During the first week of Set 12 on the PBE servers, I predict we’ll have at least three patch notes updates, with the updates heading into the weekend being the largest of the three.
Updates occur less often during the second week once final changes need to be in for Patch 14.15. I expect at least another three updates to take place after the first weekend, followed by another large patch heading into the final weekend before TFT Set 12 drops into the live servers for the Magic n’ Mayhem official launch.
Published: Jul 25, 2024 02:07 pm